For non-EU citizens, navigating the job market can be challenging, but it’s entirely achievable with the right information. We’ll guide you through the available positions, the visa sponsorship process, and tips for securing your dream job in Finland’s hospitality sector. … Read more ...
Reforms in the Netherlands, Italy, and Spain had smaller but still significant effects. Here are some of the statistical estimates from the study, starting with a look at relaxing employment protection legislation. Output and employment increase, which is good news, but the most important finding ...
Geert Wilders, leader of the victorious Freedom Party in last November's Dutch General Election has been forced to give up his efforts to form a coalition that could command a majority in the Netherlands' state assembly and now accepts he will not be the next prime minister of the ...
EU citizens don’t need a residence or work permit. If your search lasts longer, you have to apply for a residence permit for another 3 months. These permits are not subject to quotas and provide no access to the Swiss social security system. As an EU citizen, you can also use some ...
Over 16,000 foreign nationals received passports and became EU citizens last year. Turkish nationals and Ukrainians were the top two beneficiaries of Citizenship. *Want to migrate to Bulgaria?Sign up with Y-Axisfor complete immigration assistance. ...
MSc Scholarships at Radboud University in The Netherlands, 2019/2020 Apply today to train with IIEP-UNESCO 2019 ENI Energy Young Talents Debut in Research Prize Awards Kate Okafor Scholarship Scheme III 2019 International MSc Scholarship in Rural Development, 2019/2020 Google Africa PhD Fellowship Prog...
Yes you will need a work visa if you an American, Canadian, Australian or from any other non-European Union country such as the United Kingdom. If you are an EU citizen you do not need a visa. Apply to the Spanish Embassy in your country for a three month visa. ...
Solidaridad Tanzania Country Office:an affiliate in this action and will carry out Country level implementation roles for the PACE Project. Solidaridad Europe:an ‘affiliate’ of this action was established in 1969 in the Netherlands. Developed Max ...
Producing 44 per cent of all patent applications filed in the Netherlands and contributing EUR 2.5 billion in private research and development (R&D) spending, Eindhoven is now widely acknowledged as the high-tech capital of the Netherlands. High Tech Campus Eindhoven (The Netherlands). Credit: ...
To have a duty of care to the animals that you are filming, to the location where you are working and to the wider environment. To be responsible for the offline and online edits of your programme, in the available time and within the allotted budget. ...