专利悬崖的达摩克利斯之剑已经落下,因此近期开始明显触顶回落;而公司力推的Guselkumab虽然在不负厚望地奋力填补Ustekinumab身后的空档,LTM累计$3.7b,但毕竟总缺口仍差异巨大,且最近季度环比还略有回落,公司在面对从Ustekinumab到Guselkumab的volume shift提问时,虽然态度依然乐观、特别是对IBD适应症和皮下剂型的推广信心十...
We believe we truly have a winning proposition for that asset in IBD. And it's off to a really nice start with a good -- really strong reception among the medical community. And we see that product having a lot of strength because it's the only dual-active IL-23, so it blocks both...
But it doesn't stop with the second quarter, we are excited for what awaits in the second half of this year with the anticipated approval and launch of both RYBREVANT plus Lazertinib in frontline EGFR-positive lung cancer, and TREMFYA in IBD. We also expect data from JNJ-2113, our targe...
IBD with TREMFYA, as I’d recall. But, also, staying there, we have our targeted oral peptide, which is going to be — presenting some data soon that we already presented data in psoriasis. And, also, we have the combination of Guselkumab and Golimumab in IBD, which has presented also...
因此,TREMFYA 本季度的销售额为 40 亿美元。这实际上是仅针对银屑病和银屑病关节炎。当我们展望未来,以及我们在 IBD 治疗方面对 STELARA 的优势和潜力时,我们认为 TREMFYA 绝对是一项与 STELARA 规模相当甚至更大、更好的资产。因此,未来我们有很多激动人心的机会。