JLPT 日本语能力测试 N3原来的日本语能力测试3级相当于现在的N4,而现在的N3的难度应该是介于原来的3级和2级之间.那么我想问一下,原来考3级需要看标准日本语初级的
I am a certified Japanese language teacher and taught 1000 lessons and have 100 students over the world (including outside verbling), so you can have professional lessons. I used to hang out with super famous J-POP musicians. *I'm afraid I can't answer the question "who is the musician...
Often Japanese people will be confused by the exact same word. Type in the word or phrase in question plus “英語” or “とは” and there will likely be plenty of question and answer pages. Particularly,Chiebukuroon Yahoo often pops up with great explanations!