四、教材学习 1.五十音 建议大家随便下载个APP后学习。 练习读法:先听录音,再背口诀(https://www.zhihu.com/question/20318161/answer/67015673) 练习写法:去百度搜索自己以前喜欢的日文动画\游戏\日剧名字,默默练习几遍,比如勇者斗恶龙的片假名是ドラゴンクエスト,背一下写一下就记了好几个假名了。 2.学习...
this way mainly because I don’t want anything that may go wrong in grammar to throw me off for the reading portion. Also, I do it because I want to make absolutely sure I get all of the reading questions done, because they count more than the grammar questions. (Per question, anyway...
Often Japanese people will be confused by the exact same word. Type in the word or phrase in question plus “英語” or “とは” and there will likely be plenty of question and answer pages. Particularly,Chiebukuroon Yahoo often pops up with great explanations!
练习读法:先听录音,再背口诀(https://www.zhihu.com/question/20318161/answer/67015673) 练习写法:去百度搜索自己以前喜欢的日文动画\游戏\日剧名字,默默练习几遍,比如勇者斗恶龙的片假名是ドラゴンクエスト,背一下写一下就记了好几个假名了。 2.学习前的预热(可选) (1)艾琳学日语 这个教程由北京日本文化...