Prepare for the next Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) with this free JLPT Quiz app. This app has a huge number of question in level N5, N4, N3, N2 and N1. Having to answer quiz in only 10~20 seconds, you will get the same pressures as in exam day. ...
Prepare for the next Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) with this free JLPT Quiz app. This app has a huge number of question in level N5, N4, N3, N2 and N1. Having to answer quiz in only 10~20 seconds, you will get the same pressures as in exam day. ...
JLPT practice test online - Japanese Grammar, Vocab, Listening, Reading Quizzes - Download japanese learning books.
The brief quizzes immediately test your knowledge and writing a sentence using the words or grammar rules we just learned helps apply and solidify the knowledge. Every day I look forward to a new Japanese lesson and seeing my progress. Thank you, Chika Sensei! -Sylvie | USA "A must for ...
Comprehensive Japanese Grammar (JLPT N2/Pre-Advanced) 总共11 小时更新日期 2024年5月 评分:4.3,满分 5 分4.3340 当前价格US$12.99 原价US$59.99 Comprehensive Japanese Grammar (Pre-intermediate/JLPT N4) 总共15 小时更新日期 2025年1月 评分:4.5,满分 5 分4.5489 加载价格时发生错误 Comprehensive Japanese Gr...
JLPT N4 Grammar Quiz #24En Japón, el uso del lenguaje honorífico, conocido como keigo, es muy importante en la comunicación diaria. En el caso de las preguntas del JLPT N4 Grammar Quiz #24, se trata de entender cómo utilizar los verbos con el prefijo お o ご de manera respetuosa y...
JLPT N4 Grammar Quiz #41Respuestas:1) El significado de "なくても" es "no es necesario que...
■ JLPT N2 Level ・Vocabulary ・Kanji ・Grammar ・Listening ・Quiz ■ JLPT N1 Level ・Vocabulary ・Kanji ・Grammar ・Listening ・Quiz ■ Unlock all levels Level N5 is ready to use, unlock other levels for complete preparation for JLPT. more What...
+ Include lessons of vocabulary, grammar, kanji from N5 ~ N1 with lots of examples, support learning by flash-card, quiz, memorizing... + Support to look up vocabulary directly in the listening script + Includes multiple dictionaries (search vocabulary, grammar, kanji, sentence) ...
Anyway, picking electives isn’t too hard. Because of JBPP I only have a few choices. There’s a writing class I want to try, as well as the N1 and N2 grammar classes. N2 will be good review of stuff I should already know, and N1 will hopefully cover stuff I desperately need to...