Prepare for the next Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) with this free JLPT Quiz app. This app has a huge number of question in level N5, N4, N3, N2 and…
- FlashCard includes 4 features: see how to write, listen and choose the correct answer, choose the answer according to the meaning, combine vocabulary and transcription - Quiz: Practice all vocabulary in the kanji lessons and then update the progress of completing the lesson - Kanji memo book...
JLPT practice test online - Japanese Grammar, Vocab, Listening, Reading Quizzes - Download japanese learning books.
This application has produced for students to study for all levels of the JLPT exam.Currently vocabulary from levels N4 and N5 is available for use within the application.Levels N1, N2 and N3 and being worked on and shall be released soon.The JLPT test for all levels N1 to N5 is now he...
There are also videos for listening and vocabulary quizzes, these are interesting and change every day. When I get the email from my teacher, it’s like a reminder to start class, so I skip much less than when I was studying on my own. I was just studying sort of gradually, as a...
■ JLPT N2 Level ・Vocabulary ・Kanji ・Grammar ・Listening ・Quiz ■ JLPT N1 Level ・Vocabulary ・Kanji ・Grammar ・Listening ・Quiz ■ Unlock all levels Level N5 is ready to use, unlock other levels for complete preparation for JLPT. more What...
The way classes are done here in general is intense. We start off just about every class with a quiz, except JBPP. The first class in the day is usually taught by my homeroom teacher, M-sensei (different from the M-sensei in JBPP), who is amazingly nice. She teaches two blocks or...
+ Include lessons of vocabulary, grammar, kanji from N5 ~ N1 with lots of examples, support learning by flash-card, quiz, memorizing... + Support to look up vocabulary directly in the listening script + Includes multiple dictionaries (search vocabulary, grammar, kanji, sentence) ...
vYou also learn vocabulary, Kanji, postpositional particles, grammar, and daily conversation while you answer the quiz questions.Each Exam you will test like real exam. We have countdown in test, you cannot control the Listening Exam (because you can not do it in real test)! If you have ...
⁃ Quiz opportunity with the favorite lists you create ⁃ 4 different Test Models separated by JLPT N5, N4, N3, N2, N1 level ⁃ One-on-one online kanji test competitions around the World with real users ⁃ View your worldwide ranking ...