Target halted on flash header read.ResetTarget() end - Took 1.32sAfterResetTarget() startMPU was enabled and is now disabled.AfterResetTarget() end - Took 4.76msCPU could not be halted *** Error: Failed to halt CPU.J-Link>Labels: i.MXRT 106x 0 K...
Target halted on flash header read.ResetTarget() end - Took 1.32sAfterResetTarget() startMPU was enabled and is now disabled.AfterResetTarget() end - Took 4.76msCPU could not be halted *** Error: Failed to halt CPU.J-Link>Labels: i.MXRT 106x 0...
Startup标签页的配置: InitialResetandHalt:取消勾选 Enablesemihosting:取消勾选 EnableSWO:取消勾选 如下图所示: Set breakpoint at: __start Common标签页的配置如下图红色方框所示: 5、运行调试器 在使用Eclipse调试Zephyr之前,先打开 JLink GDB Server,然后再点击Eclipse调试按钮下拉菜单的 hello_world_build Co...
解释jlink info: reset: halt core after reset via demcr.vc_corereset的含义: 这条信息来自于使用SEGGER J-Link调试器时,特别是在执行复位操作时出现的日志或信息提示。它表明在通过J-Link对目标设备进行复位操作后,使用了调试异常和监测控制寄存器(DEMCR)中的vc_corereset位来使核心(CPU)在复位后立即暂停(halt... reset Syntax reset Description Resets and halts the target CPU. Make sure the device is selected prior to using this command to make use of the correct reset strategy. Add. information There are different reset strategies for different CPUs. Moreover, the reset strategies which are ava... reset Syntax reset Description Resets and halts the target CPU. Make sure the device is selected prior to using this command to make use of the correct reset strategy. Add. information There are different reset strategies for different CPUs. Moreover, the reset strategies which are ava...
reset erase r qc 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 其他 usb---连接目标板 r---重启目标板 halt---停止cpu运行的程序 loadbin---加载可执行的二进制文件 g---跳到代码段地址执行 s---单步执行(调试用) setpc---设置pc寄存器的值(调试用) setbp---设置...
在Startup tab页中,取消Initial Reset and Halt的勾选,取消Enable semihosting的勾选,勾选上Ramapplication(reloadafter each reset/restart),取消Pre-run/Restart reset的勾选,该页面其他一些配置,可参考下图: 图8 图9 对于Source tab页,这里并没有进行什么配置,也就不作什么说明了,在Common tab页中,在Display ...
-> Debugger. Select the target device you are using, the target connection, endianness and speed and enter the additional GDB start commands. The typically required GDB commands are: #Initially reset the target monitor reset #Load the application load Other commands to set up the target (e.g...
Target halted on flash header read.ResetTarget() end - Took 1.32sAfterResetTarget() startMPU was enabled and is now disabled.AfterResetTarget() end - Took 4.76msCPU could not be halted *** Error: Failed to halt CPU.J-Link>Labels: i.MXRT 106x 0 Kudos Reply ...