Either the memory wait signal of the core is still enabled or CPU disables the clock (wrong PLL clock settings/CPU enters power-save mode).Therefore the core cannot communicate via JTAG.The only way to gain control of the core via JTAG is to reset it and halt it immediately.B...
Hi, I have a SAMD51 custom board and the Atmel SAME54 XPLAINED board which is Rev 0 (Engineering Sample). Similar issue to this abandoned thread: [ABANDONED] J-Link ATSAME54 can't halt CPU However I can confirm it is not just Atmel Studio but JLink…
Either the memory wait signal of the core is still enabled or CPU disables the clock (wrong PLL clock settings/CPU enters power-save mode).Therefore the core cannot communicate via JTAG.The only way to gain control of the core via JTAG is to reset it and halt it immediately.BTW: Which ...
JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0002ms, 0504ms total)--- 是否开启了看门狗 导致复位、、 ......
- ERROR: Failed to halt CPU.- Executing init sequence ...- ERROR: Failed to connect.Could not perform custom init sequence. 0 Kudos Reply 04-11-2023 05:15 AM 2,412 Views lukaszadrapa NXP TechSupport Hi @Toneon5 we can check your schematic to confirm that everyth...
CPUID register: 0x410FD214. Implementer code: 0x41 (ARM) Feature set: Mainline Cache: No cache Found Cortex-M33 r0p4, Little endian. CPU could not be halted CPU could not be halted *** Error: Failed to halt CPU. J-Link>h CPU could not be halted J-Link>loadf...
Reset: Halt core after reset via DEMCR.VC_CORERESET.Reset: Reset device via AIRCR.SYSRESETREQ.PC...
Reset type BP0: Using RESET pin, halting CPU with breakpoint @ 0 J-Link>r Reset delay: 0 ms Reset type BP0: Using RESET pin, halting CPU with breakpoint @ 0 Core does not stop after Reset...
* JLink Info: Reset: Halt core after reset via DEMCR.VC_CORERESET.* JLink Info: Reset: Reset...
, size 0 KBError: auto_probe failedError:Connectfailed.Consider setting up a gdb-attach event 云中云2023-03-06 08:59:46 ADUCM360提示*JLink信息:核心在复位后没有停止,手动暂停CPU 在评估板仿真时没有下面的提示*JLinkInfo: Core did not halt afterreset, manually haltingCPU,在自己焊的板子上出现了...