设置duedate时报错 {"errorMessages":[],"errors":{"duedate":"Field 'duedate' cannot be set. It is not on the appropriate screen, or unknown 相关截图 已经尝试哪些方法仍然没有解决(附上相关链接) JIRA-REST-API官方文档: https://docs.atlassian.com/ji... 通过Google搜索到的最有价值的答案(但是...
2. 非NT服务修改JVM内存大小 修改%JIRA_HOME%/bin下面的setenv.bat文件,修改JAVA_OPTS这个环境变量 set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xms256m -Xmx512m -Datlassian.standalone=JIRA -Dorg.apache.jasper.runtime.BodyContentImpl.LIMIT_BUFFER=true 其中-Xms256m表示最小内存,-Xmx512m表示最大内存 3. 让JVM进...
Agents are not able to create ticket from Jira and they are receiving the errorField 'duedate' cannot be set. It is not on the appropriate screen, or unknown. Environment Jira Service Management Cloud Diagnosis From Customer Portal , Agents are able ...
2. 非NT服务修改JVM内存大小 修改%JIRA_HOME%/bin下面的setenv.bat文件,修改JAVA_OPTS这个环境变量 set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xms256m -Xmx512m -Datlassian.standalone=JIRA -Dorg.apache.jasper.runtime.BodyContentImpl.LIMIT_BUFFER=true 其中-Xms256m表示最小内存,-Xmx512m表示最大内存 3. 让JVM进...
Set estimated time remaing to:用于添加还剩多少时间,剩余多少时间直接填写即可。如果设置为0h,效果同“Leave existing Estimate of 0” Reduct estimated time remaining by : (不建议使用!) Work Description 工作描述 当没有 “原估算时间”内完成问题,必须通过“完成记录工作”该问题的工作状态。
"-")forlinissue.labels],}i=self.client.create_issue(fields=fields)returnjira_to_generic(i)defget_labels(self):# Grab all labels from issues with the project/componentissues=self.client.search_issues("project='%s' and component='%s'"%(self.project,self.component))labels=[]l_names=set()...
{"update":{"summary":[{"set":"Bug in business logic"}],"components":[{"set":""}],"timetracking":[{"edit":{"originalEstimate":"1w 1d","remainingEstimate":"4d"}}],"labels":[{"add":"triaged"},{"remove":"blocker"}]},"fields":{"summary":"This is a shorthand for a set ope...
Create tasks, assign those to anyone within the team, invite new members for more tasks, and set due dates Get the tool for free with Jira Manage projects and tasks in familiar software since the UI elements match most Atlassian business tools ...
Parent Issue Id id string Set the parent for a sub-task. Epic Name (customfield_10011) customfield_10119 string Epic name is required for epic issue type. This field matches 'customfield_10011' field on Jira server. Returns Body CreateIssueResponse Create...
The due date field shows different translations when Jira is set to Spanish. Steps to Reproduce On Personal Settings, change the language to "Spanish" Go to the search results and add the column "Due date" Move the cursor over "Fecha de Entrega" ...