Changes made to Due date field in Jira is not reflected in Basic Roadmap Change the date field used in your plan Schedule an issue Manage issues in your calendar Still need help? The Atlassian Community is here for you. Ask the community Platform Notice: Cloud Only - This article only app...
Scheduled, once a day, using the following JQL query that will search for issues that are unresolved and for which the due date field is today: duedate = startOfDay("+30d") AND resolution is empty THEN: Add the action of your choice (for example, a sen...
String fields = fieldsB.toString(); fields = fields.substring(0, fields.length() - 1); String command = "curl -D- -u " + user + ":" + pwd + " -X PUT --data '{\"fields\": { " + fields + "}}' -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" \"" + uri + "/rest/api/2/is...
The due date field shows different translations when Jira is set to Spanish. Steps to Reproduce On Personal Settings, change the language to "Spanish" Go to the search results and add the column "Due date" Move the cursor over "Fecha de Entrega" ...
The Create a new issue (V3) action supports only simple field types such as 'string', 'number', 'date', and 'datetime' in the dynamic schema. If project configuration has a required fields of complex data types, the operation will fail with the error: "Field '{key}' of type '{type...
[ "jira-administrators", "jira-software-users" ], "customfield_80000": { "value": "red" }, "description": "Order remains pending after approved.", "duedate": "2019-04-16", "environment": "UAT", "fixVersions": [ { "id": "10001" } ], "issuetype": { "id": "10000" }, ...
二. Issue Type Layout 以及 Custom Field 我们来创建issue的时候,初始化环境的截图如下所示。因为不同的项目,需要展示的内容不同,可能需要在这个基础上进行一些删减。 举个例子,上述的图片demo中没有 Priority,在一个sprint中,可能出现某一个story/issue特别紧急,我们可能要在创建issue的时候指定这个issue的优先级,...
Permission to edit issues (excluding the 'Due Date' field — see the Schedule Issues permission). Link Issues Permission tolink issuestogether. Learn more about issue permissions What are project roles? Project roles are a flexible way to associate users and/or groups with particular functions and...
二. Issue Type Layout 以及 Custom Field 我们来创建issue的时候,初始化环境的截图如下所示。因为不同的项目,需要展示的内容不同,可能需要在这个基础上进行一些删减。 举个例子,上述的图片demo中没有 Priority,在一个sprint中,可能出现某一个story/issue特别紧急,我们可能要在创建issue的时候指定这个issue的优先级,...
Use theDue datefield to let your team know when they should follow up on a lead you've already contacted. You can alsocreate new prioritiesto communicate how hot or cold a lead is. Make it work for you Not all sales processes are the same. Here are some common ways to make it fit ...