来自Slack 和 Microsoft Teams 的请求 Jira Service Management 聊天用户可在 Slack 或 Microsoft Teams 中的对话与 Jira Service Management 之间创建双向同步。员工无需离开 Slack 即可获得所需的帮助,而支持人员则可在 Jira Service Management 中获得所需的所有信息。 Jira Service Desk 彻底改变了我们运作 IT 的方...
为满足 IT 未来发展需求而打造的灵活且有利于协作的 IT 服务台和 ITSM 软件。立即免费试用 Jira Service Desk。
当你安装好了第一个JIRA程序后,你就可以通过Versions & licenses页面安装附加的应用程序或更新已有应用了。 下面这张图将向你展示JIRA软件的典型安装方式。注意这仅限于JIR软件是被授权的情况下。所有已安装的应用程序的更新,如下图的JIRA Core和JIRA软件,都会在这里显示。JIRA Service Desk没有被安装,你可以看到在...
Jira Service Desk vs. Jira Service Management Jira Service Desk was created in 2013 after we noticed that nearly 40% of our customers had adapted Jira to handle service requests. In 2020, we introduced Jira Service Management to further empower development, IT operations, and business teams to ...
「Jira Service Desk」が「Jira Service Management」に。更に充実した機能であらゆるチームのITSMを牽引する最新ツールをデモを交えてご紹介。
Jira Service Desk为IT和客户服务部门提供高效、灵活的服务管理解决方案。 Jira Service Desk主要特性 直观友好的用户界面 通过直观、简洁、干净、友好的Jira Service Desk客户界面,寻求支持变得前所未有的简单。客户只会看到他们需要的内容,通过通俗易懂的语言来填写支持请求表单。 高级SLA支持 在每个杰出的支持团队背后...
Make the impossible, possible in Jira. Plan, track, and release world-class software with the number one project management tool for agile teams.
Jira Service Management 고속 ITSM 두 번째 제품 선택 Jira Software 프로젝트 및 이슈 트래킹 세계에서 가장 많이 사용되는 프로젝트 관리 도구이며 Confluence의 아이디어를 실현하는 가장 쉬운 방법...
The right help desk software makes it simple for agents to organize, prioritize, and resolve requests so nothing falls through the cracks. Built and extended from Jira, the engine for agile work practices for thousands of customers, Jira Service Management enables organizations to adopt new, ...
Jira Service Management GlennBurnside Executive Vice President of Operations & Strategy ChoseJira Service Management We selectedJiraService Desk because we were alreadyJirausers, and the price point was easy to absorb. Our experience asJiraadministrators made it easy to customizeJiraService Desk to our...