Everything you need to deliver exceptional customer service management and scale your customer support. Try Jira Service Management for free.
Help Atlassian put an end to Bad Service Management by switching over to Jira Service Management. Learn more about our limited-time promos. Jira Service Management customer stories Unlocking high-velocity service management for all Over 55,000 companies use Jira Service Management to provide ...
Jira Service Management (Cloud) 高速ITSM Confluence (Cloud) 文档协作 商米是一家以“利他心”为核心价值观,全面引领全球智能商用硬件创新的物联网科技公司。商米致力于为商用领域提供丰富且优秀的智能 IoT 硬件及软硬结合的数字化解决方案,构建万物互联的商业世界,最终实现商业 4.0。截止2020年12月31日,商米拥有...
Learn how to add customers to your Jira Service Management, remove customers from a project, or deactivate their license.
“We needed to move towards a more customer-centric approach on ITSM. Jira Service Management helped us meet our target while saving time and money.” JOSE LUIS LIZÁRRAGA CASTRO, IT SUPPORT ENGINEER, ENGIE MEXICO 67% reduction on license costs from switching to Jira Service Management ...
“With Jira Service Management, we can move at the speed of the industry, support our customers, and deliver real business value.” Carol Johnson, IT Director, The Telegraph Media Group “Jira Service Management has allowed us to centralize our information into one point, making it easy to pe...
We are trying to implement SAML SSO so that our customers don't need to sign-in in the customer portal. I'm currently testing the setup of SAML in a free trial Jira Service Management I've created (https://yummyteh.atlassian.net) also with a free trial ...
数字化转型是一个流行语,但是 Jira Service Management 正在帮助我们实现数字化转型。 500 Hours saved each year with automation 2 数据可见性提高创造了新的就业机会 作为全球排名第一音乐出版公司,索尼音乐出版公司每周管理成千上万的新请求,以及由依靠公司来保护自己的艺术和生计的词曲作者创作的四百多万首歌曲。在...
Introduce customers to your service project Now that you have set up your project in a way that serves both your agents and your customers, it's time to show your customers how to start using Jira Service Management. Create requests through the customer portal...
Jira Service Management / Resources / Configure a company-managed project as an administrator / Manage your customers Cloud Data Center Both administrators and agents can add customers to a service project. To add a customer: From your service project sidebar, go toCustomers. ...