实例1 监控某个 project 下的所有具有 issuelink 的上级 issue 的变化 不区分 link 的关联方式 不关注下级 issue 的变化 当issuelink 的上级 issue 发生变化,将改变写入下级 issuelink 的 comment 里, 由 jira 触发邮件...
By reading some other discussions here on the community, and in other sites, I've wrote a few python codes trying to get my Jira information into a dataframe and use it. Let me show some attempts: #1 import requestsimport json url = '
前言 Yarn Rest Api 返回的数据都是XML格式,需要解析XML。 任务查询 查询所有任务 http://hadoop02...
本章介绍如何使用 %REST.API 类来创建、更新和删除 REST 服务。...使用 %REST.API 类创建或更新 REST 服务创建 REST 服务的推荐方法是从 REST 服务的 OpenAPI 2.0 规范开始,并使用它来生成 REST 服务类。...在要定义 REST 服务的命名空间中,使用该文件创建 %...
Data used to train the model was obtained from other open source projects available on Jira Cloud such asClover (by Atlassian). This data was downloaded through the Jira Cloud REST API using thejira-python library. The data was cleaned and structured in a jupyter notebook ...
而ALM没有python库可以操作: How Automate Application Lifecycle Management using python
{ "id":"39003", "key":"TEST-104", "self":"http://localhost:8080/rest/api/2/issue/TEST-104" } Editing an issue examplesThe examples in this section show you how to edit an existing issue using the Jira REST API. There are two types of examples in this section:Editing...
Jira Python Library This library eases the use of the Jira REST API from Python and it has been used in production for years. As this is an open-source project that is community maintained, do not be surprised if some bugs or features are not implemented quickly enough. ...
PHP classes interact Jira with the REST API. php jira jira-client jira-rest-api Updated Sep 16, 2024 PHP MayankPandey01 / Jira-Lens Star 318 Code Issues Pull requests Fast and customizable vulnerability scanner For JIRA written in Python security jira scanner python3 bugbounty jira-rest...
(_ssl.c1108)'))) while doing GET httpsjira-sd.mc1.oracleiaas.comrestapi2serverInfo [{'params' None, 'headers' {'User-Agent' 'python-requests2.24.0', 'Accept-Encoding' 'gzip, deflate', 'Accept' 'applicationjson,.;q=0.9', 'Connection' 'keep-alive', 'Cache-Control' 'no-cache...