Modify users information for a large number of users in JIRA Information may be: username email display name Solution Example: Steps to bulk update email addresses using JIRA REST API. For API method reference see:
curl -s -u <USER>:<PASSWORD> <JIRA_BASE_URL>/rest/api/2/projectCategory | jq . After running the shell script, the changes can be validated using the REST API: Validating the changes curl -s -u <USER>:<PASSWORD> <JIRA_BASE_URL>/rest/api/2... I became an 401-Error. By using this API all is good. I am using the same credentials in variables. We use...
Solved: Hi, I need to have changelog data from Jira using the REST API. The final result of the table would be the changelog data of an issuetype
Hi all! I'm running into an issue when attempting to fetch data from a Confluence page via a cURL command using the REST API. I've created an app in the Atlassian developer console to do so and have enabled OAuth 2.0 (3LO) for it.I can successfully follow the steps to retrieve the...
Retrieve information about the issue from the Jira REST API, using the runtime API. In terminal, navigate to the app's top-level directory and install the runtime API package by running: 1 2 npm install @forge/api Inindex.js, import the runtime API at the top of the file by adding...
I have an SSIS package to consume REST API GET request to extract Jira data into our SQL server, with a 3rd party tool called Zappysys. I used basic authentication (username/password) in the HTTP connection manager for Jira authentication. The SSIS…
Using the REST API Browser locallyTo use the RAB on an Atlassian application instance started with the SDK, follow these steps:Run atlas-run or atlas-debug or atlas-run-standalone as usual. The Atlassian application (JIRA, Confluence, or any of the others) will be installed with the REST ...
WеbDrivеr:WеbDrivеr is a REST API that allows you to automatе thе tеsting of wеb intеractions across diffеrеnt wеb browsеrs and platforms and all without writing codе specific to еach browsеr. In Safari, thе drivеr is calledsafaridrivеr, and it comеs ...
I wrote my own because it was helpful - I'm presently digging thorough the documentation because we need it for JIRA and Bitbucket as well. Here's the java part of the code: {{}} package; import java.util.Map; import java.util.List; import javax....