So what I am looking for, is to be able to search for all issues in the sprint + link issues to the sprint. Moreover, I want to see Testing1 and Testing2 when I search, and I tried to search how to do it in JQL and didn't have a solution This JQL shows me the issues in...
RESEARCH:有一个,在它的更新状态转换中,您可以选择JQL的问题并设置它们的状态。 我执行了一个JQL,但它与当前问题有关,我需要它是一个不可用的变量(查找项目A的问题,链接到项目B中的问题B-3 ): project = "A" AND issue IN LinkedIssuesByJQL("issue = B-3") 问题:如何引用像$currentIssue这样...
支持的函数 当使用IN 或 NOT IN 运算符时, epic链接支持: issueHistory() linkedIssues() votedIssues() watchedIssues()示例查找属于名为"Jupiter",问题键为ANERDS-317的epic的问题: "epic link" = ANERDS-317 或 "epic link" = JupiterFilter 你可以使用保存的过滤器来缩小搜索范围,通过过滤器名称或过滤器...
JIRA使用教程:高级搜索—字段参考(2/4) JQL中的字段是JIRA中的字段(或已在JIRA中已定义的自定义字段)。在一个语句中,字段紧跟在运算符后面,而字段后面又跟着一个或多个值(或函数)。运算符比较字段的一个或多个值,使得查询语句仅返回正确的结果。 字段列表: Due Environment Epic Link Filter Fix Version Issu...
JIRA的高级搜索功能类似于SQL查询,是使用Jira查询语言(JQL)构建结构化查询来搜索问题。可以指定无法在快速或基本搜索中定义的条件(例如, ORDER BY 子句)。 注意,即使JQL使用类似SQL的语法,它也不是数据库查询语言。 一、如何执行高级搜索? 导航到Issues > Search for Issues ...
Insert the expression below in the JQL field: issue in linkedIssues({{triggerIssue.key}}) Add an Edit issue action: In the Choose field to set menu, select the name of the Number Field that needs to be updated with the number of linked ...
This JQL will pick up all issues that are related to the parent Epic. Jira Linked Issues or Parent Issues In summary you can search for related issues using the 'parent' keyword and the 'linkedIssues()' function. There are a few limitations though. Firstly 'parent' will only identify issu...
with linked issues but not linked to any of the issues you specify: issueLink not in (ABC-123, ABC-456) that block the issue ABC-123 (link type is "blocks"): issueBlocks = ABC-123 or issueLink["blocks"] = ABC-123 that are blocked by the issue ABC-123 (link type is "is block...
issueFunction in linkedIssuesOf("linkedIssueKey") ``` 这将返回具有特定链接类型的问题列表,其中"linkedIssueKey"应替换为实际的链接问题的关键字。 4.示例:查找具有某个字段值大于或等于某个特定值的问题: ``` issueFunction in expression("field_name >= value") ``` 这将返回具有特定字段值大于或等于给...
Solved: I am trying to create a JQL query to generate a list of tickets which are linked issues. For example, 1. project = ABC 2. Issues in project