解决方法是使用 String query="issueFunction in linkedIssuesOf('key=ABCD-24911', 'is epic of') AND issuetype=Feature"; 代替 String query="issuefunction in issuesInEpics('key = ABCD-24911') AND issuetype=Feature"; 背景:它看起来像功能IssuesInEpics(),epicsOf()最近才引入以修改linkedIssuesOf()...
linkedIssues() 基于链接到指定事务的事务执行搜索。您可以有选择性地将搜索限制为特定类型的链接。请注意,“LinkType”区分大小写。 语法 linkedIssues(issueKey) linkedIssues(issueKey,linkType) 支持的字段 Issue 支持的运算符 IN , NOT IN 不支持的运算符 = , != , ~ , !~ , > , >= , < , <=...
Epics in Jira whose Epic-Story Link is from specific project 我想从特定项目中找到所有具有"Epic 问题"的史诗。 当前JQL: project=FOO AND issuetype=EpicAND keyin(FOO-1,FOO-2,FOO-3) 我可以添加and issueFunction in linkedIssuesOf("project = BAR and issueFunction in hasLinkType('Epic-Story Link...
To get the three levels of hierarchy in JQL, use the ScriptRunner app with the function “issueFunction in linkedIssuesOf(Subquery, linkType).” Example:(project = IDP AND issuetype = Epic) OR issueFunction in linkedIssuesOf(“project = IDP AND issuetype = Epic”, “is epic of”) OR ...
对于在特定JIRA结构中具有子项的问题,JQL是什么? 来自对象的数组中的特定数据 RxJs -订阅数组中的特定项目 相关·内容 文章(0) 问答(9999+) 视频(0) 沙龙(0) 2回答 Jira中的史诗-故事链接来自特定项目 、 我想从一个特定的项目中找到所有具有“史诗中的问题”的史诗。issueFunction in linkedIssuesOf("project...
JIRA的高级搜索功能类似于SQL查询,是使用Jira查询语言(JQL)构建结构化查询来搜索问题。可以指定无法在快速或基本搜索中定义的条件(例如, ORDER BY 子句)。 注意,即使JQL使用类似SQL的语法,它也不是数据库查询语言。 一、如何执行高级搜索? 导航到Issues > Search for Issues ...
Insert the expression below in the JQL field: issue in linkedIssues({{triggerIssue.key}}) Add an Edit issue action: In the Choose field to set menu, select the name of the Number Field that needs to be updated with the number of linked ...
The limitation with this query is that it only returns results for one issue. If you want to find linked issues for more than one issue, then again we have to turn to the ScriptRunner app from the Atlassian marketplace. Anyway, back to what you can do with core JQL. If you want to...
Other relevant issues can be linked to the new issue by choosing a proper value from this drop-down. For instance, if the issue is introduced by a fix of some other issue, then the value to be chosen from the drop-down could be “Introduced By”. This field becomes extremely important...
cloud jira-service-management jira-service-management-cloud jql replicate data in Quicksight Hello, I managed to connect my Jira managment data in quicksight. However the field contained in the form linked to each ticket is not present. is there a way to extrapolate also those...