As with any project, there may be dependencies between your tasks. You can easily represent this association in Jira by linking issues together. Associations that come out-of-the-box are: blocks/is blocked by clones/is cloned by duplicates/is duplicated by ...
issueLink, issueLink["link type"], or issueLinkType, where link type or LinkType is a variable you replace with the issue link type (blocks, duplicates, or is blocked by, for example). Auto-complete Yes Supported operators = , != IN , NOT IN Unsupported operators ~ , !~ , > , ...
10、查某些任务下的缺陷 issueFunction in linkedIssuesOf("issuekey in(jira号) AND issueLinkType = 'is blocked by' ") AND issuetype = 缺陷 字段 code对应关键字
issue in linkedIssues(ABC-123,"is duplicated by", "is blocked by") membersOf() Perform searches based on the members of a particular group. Syntax 1 membersOf(Group) Supported fields Assignee, Reporter, Voter, Watcher, Creator, custom fields of type User Supported operators IN , NOT IN ,...
issueLink, issueLink["link type"], or issueLinkType, where link type or LinkType is a variable you replace with the issue link type (blocks, duplicates, or is blocked by, for example). Auto-complete Yes Supported operators = , != IN , NOT IN Unsupported operators ~ , !~ , > , ...
Options in dropdowns are – block, is blocked by, duplicate, clone, etc. Issue − User can link the issue by the Typing ID or summary of those that are related to the linked issue field. Assignee − The person who is responsible to fix this issue. Assignee name can be entered by...
Linked Issue field (for example “is blocked by” or “relates to”) will be automatically added to the “Fail & Issue” modal box when the project and issue type you choose contain it. In this case, you won’t need to map it here.In the project Integration settings window, click set...
issueLink, issueLink["link type"], or issueLinkType, where link type or LinkType is a variable you replace with the issue link type (blocks, duplicates, or is blocked by, for example). Auto-complete Yes Supported operators = , != IN , NOT IN Unsupported operators ~ , !~ , > , ...
On the full-screen issue page, you can select the “Link issue” button to show the Linked issues block. You will be able to easily search issues to link. You can also define the type of relationship such as “is blocked by”, “blocks”, “has to be done after”, “related to”...
I need to import the issue link type (ex. Inward/ Outward issue link ( relates, blocks, is blocked by, is idea for, related etc.) all in separate/dedicated columns. It is possible to export it manually from Jira.Answer Watch Like Be the first to like this Share 153...