点击浏览,找到附件,直接点击打开按钮即可。 9)链接问题:问题连接一般有好几种方式,分别为:blocks(阻塞,堵塞)、isblockedby(被阻塞了)、clones(复制)、isclonedby、duplicatest(重复)、isduplicateby(被克隆)、relatesto(关联)。一般默认选择第一个,一般会跟下面的问题组合起来使用。 10)问题:一般跟上面的链接的问...
Associations that come out-of-the-box are: blocks/is blocked by clones/is cloned by duplicates/is duplicated by relates to All linked issues will appear on each issue. This makes it easier for teams to navigate between connected work and showcase dependencies....
JIRA には「クローン先 / クローン元 (is cloned as/is cloned from)」や「ブロック/ ブロック元 (blocks/is blocked by)」などの基本的なリンクタイプがいくつかありますが、JIRA 管理者と協力して、あなたの希望のあらゆるカスタムリンクタイプを追加することも可能です。限界はありませ...
您可以使用Craftware JQL的linkedIssuesFromFilter破解它,其中过滤器将是“所有问题”
In Jira Cloud, all the relationships previously set on Jira issues have been automatically inverted. For example, "blocks" is changed to "is blocked by" and vice versa in the "linked issues" list. Manually correct or rewrite the issue link types and associated descriptionsNavigate to Settings...
This validates the problem encountered, it is specifically when the Linked issue is included during export. Check for the Issue Linked relation on some of the issues Example: "blocks", is blocked by" Cause Duplicate Issue links are present with the same outward and inward links on the site....
3. 保存设置。4. 创建一个问题来测试此流程。在approve-group中的用户打开来看到的是这个效果。有权限...
On the full-screen issue page, you can select the “Link issue” button to show the Linked issues block. You will be able to easily search issues to link. You can also define the type of relationship such as “is blocked by”, “blocks”, “has to be done after”, “related to”...
blocks:当前问题影响了某个问题或者说当前问题导致了某个问题的产生 is blocked by:和上面相反,是某个问题引起了当前问题,或者导致当前问题不能修改 clones:某个问题和当前问题性质一样 is clones by::和上面相反 ,当前问题和某个问题性质一样;emmmm,和上面的用哪个都一样的意思 ...
在“此问题”下拉框选择“is duplicated by”,“问题”下拉框选择并输入重复提交BUG 的编号,如:SKXT-9,(或者点击问题框后面的“+”按钮或者点击下拉箭头,选择重复的问题,这里不做赘述),然后点击“链接”按钮,如图2 所示。 图1 说明:“此问题”选项下拉框选项见下表。 Blocks 该问题影响了某个问题的修改或者...