没有人完整的翻译过jira API的文档,然后我发现了一个巨坑的事情: jira App文档分嗯多个版本,基本上每一个版本的基拉就对应一个版本的API文档,我没有仔细去看这里面的区别,但是我觉得一个版本一个文档,着实有点坑了。 大家如果有机会对接jira API文档,到时候一定要首先确认jira的版本。 HTTPcode 在jira API文档...
{"self":"http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/issue/10010/comment/10000","id":"10000","author": {"self":"http://www.example.com/jira/rest/api/2/user?username=fred","name":"fred","displayName":"Fred F. User","active":false},"body":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur...
简介:下面是Jira-API的详细使用的例子,包含:• Jira的登陆,通过jql批量查询jira-issue,• 获得jira-project下的所有issue,assignee的详细信息,• 添加和更新defect• 下载和上传附件• 通过Jira登录的cookies搭配requsts库发送自定义的一些http请求 下面是Jira-API的详细使用的例子,包含: Jira的登陆,通过jql批...
project = '' parent = '' openIssuekey = '' cnnStoragePath = 'xxxxx' opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'd:a:w:p:o:') for op, value in opts: if op == '-d': filepath = value elif op == '-a': user = jiraTool.jiraClinet.search_users(user=value) if user: as...
Pick a project from the project picker. Note that Jira Cloud connections show only top 50 projects in the picker. Use an output from the Get projects action (project's Project Key property). For more Edit Issue operation details please see Jira API documentation When a working flow starts fa...
search_users(user=value) if user: assignee = user[0].key else: print ('Please make sure that the user email is correct!') sys.exit(-1) elif op == '-p': if 'Austin' in value: project = 'xxxx' parent = 'xxxx' cnnStoragePath = os.path.join(cnnStoragePath,'xxxx') elif '...
Project Aid for Jiraallows you to visualize the status of any Jira ticket you mention in a sheet. You can directly import entire issue lists with your Jira filters just from within Google sheet. Or create time reports for any of your users based on the Jira worklogs. ...
根据project id获取必填字段并根据字段类型设置字段值,代码如下 //创建缺陷时所需要的字段,以及设置默认值 public static String getBugCreateMeta(String jiraProjectId) { //api 接口 String url = "http://you jira address:port/rest/api/2/issue/createmeta?projectIds=" + jiraProjectId + "&expand=proj...
This function can only be used by logged-in users. So if you are creating a saved filter that you expect to be used by anonymous users, do not use this function. Syntax 1 currentUser() Supported fields Assignee, Reporter, Voter, Watcher, Creator, custom fields of type User Supported oper...
Fill your jira link and project name in link given below https://YOUR_JIRA_LINK/rest/api/2/issue/createmeta?projectKeys=YOUR_PROJECT&expand=projects.issuetypes.fields& Now you have to find the fields for which you want to save the default values. ...