You can use the REST API in Jira to return all issues, in this case, it would probably be best to use the endpoint GET /rest/api/2/search - Jira Server (for Cloud GET /rest/api/3/search) In this case, you can just make a rest call to this endpoint, if you don't ...
Hello, I am trying to get all issues from a project using Jira Rest Java Client using the following code: Iterable<Issue> issues = client.getSearchClient().searchJql("project = MYPURRJECT AND status in (Closed, Completed, Resolved) ORDER BY ssignee,resolutiondate").claim().g...
myself()['displayName']#获得当前登陆的用户的Keydef get_current_eid():return jira.myself()['key']#根据jira-key获得开发人员# key 可以是key'JIRA-1451'def get_assignee(self, key):global jiraissue = jira.issue(key)return issue.fields.assignee#获得所有的Jira项目def get_all_project():try:p...
Known Issues and LimitationsFor authentication, you need to use an API token. To get a token, go to this link. Basic authentication with passwords is deprecated. For more information, see jira API documentation. Jira Server behind a firewall or with REST API disabled is not supported. When ...
REST API Introduction Backlog Board GETGet all boards POSTCreate board GETGet board by filter id GETGet board DELDelete board GETGet issues for backlog GETGet configuration GETGet epics GETGet issues without epic for board GETGet board issues for epic GETGet features for board PUTToggle feature...
I'm trying to connect from Power BI Desktop to JIRA Cloud, in order to get a list of issues of a particular project, but I'm having a big headeache with the API call, as it's not working at all, although I've tried several suggestions from the community. I would like to avoid...
Entity properties allow apps to add key/value stores to Jira entities, such as issues or projects. These values can be indexed by Jira and queried via the REST API or through JQL.For example, Front uses the Jira REST API to display existing issues into its UI. Users can then select a ...
PHP classes interact Jira with the REST API. php jira jira-client jira-rest-api Updated Sep 16, 2024 PHP MayankPandey01 / Jira-Lens Star 318 Code Issues Pull requests Fast and customizable vulnerability scanner For JIRA written in Python security jira scanner python3 bugbounty jira-rest...
Known Issues Development Contributing Thanks Install / Get started Open up your chrome browser Open or create a Google Sheet Find & Install the Add-on "Project Aid for Jira" Authorize the Add-On when asked for Authorizations Explanation of the different privileges, this add-on will ask your pe...
python提供了规范的操作jira的API,感兴趣的同学可以学习一下。 官方文档: 查询进行中Jira工单: jira_option ={'server':'','verify': False } jiraClinet= JIRA(options=jira_option, basic_auth=('xxxxxx','xxxxx'))#用户名和密码projects ...