Hello, I am trying to get all issues from a project using Jira Rest Java Client using the following code: Iterable<Issue> issues = client.getSearchClient().searchJql("project = MYPURRJECT AND status in (Closed, Completed, Resolved) ORDER BY ssignee,resolutiondate").claim().g...
$apiUri = "/rest/api/2/search" $uri = $jiraUri+$apiUri #Post json必须加的header. $webClient.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json"); $searchResult = $webClient.UploadString($uri,$JSON) #获取所有的issues(分派给天外归云的) $issues = ($searchResult|ConvertFrom-Json).issues #判...
myself()['displayName']#获得当前登陆的用户的Keydef get_current_eid():return jira.myself()['key']#根据jira-key获得开发人员# key 可以是key'JIRA-1451'def get_assignee(self, key):global jiraissue = jira.issue(key)return issue.fields.assignee#获得所有的Jira项目def get_all_project():try:pr...
NameTypeDescriptionRequired username securestring The username for this api True password securestring The password for this api TrueThrottling Limits展开表 NameCallsRenewal Period API calls per connection 100 60 secondsActions展开表 Searches for issues using JQL Get all issue from digital board Searche...
1》法一: song@ubuntu:~$ vi find2.py song@ubuntu:~$ more find2.py l=[1,2,3,4,7...
@Prince Nyeche this API has been great to use in python but I'm trying to integrate it with Microsoft Fabric. The notebook runs alone but one I try to automate the process I get an error saying "Error: Size of notebook content and exit value must be less than 8MB. Please try to ...
项目迭代结束后我们需要把sprint下面的story、task任务状态修改到结束状态,如果手动修改会花费不少时间,本文就介绍如何通过jira api自动修改任务状态,提高工作效率。 一、查看任务工作流 1、想要查看任务工作流首先需要管理员权限,工作流路径:设置--问题--工作流,如下图: ...
String requestBody = "{\"transition\": {\n \"id\": \"" + status.get(i) + "\"\n }\n}"; //调用接口修改任务状态 httpClient("post", "http://you jira address:port/rest/api/2/issue/" + issueKey + "/transitions", requestBody); } } } /** * 获取sprint下的subTask * * @...
Known Issues and LimitationsFor authentication, you need to use an API token. To get a token, go to this link. Basic authentication with passwords is deprecated. For more information, see jira API documentation. Jira Server behind a firewall or with REST API disabled is not supported. When ...
I'm trying to connect from Power BI Desktop to JIRA Cloud, in order to get a list of issues of a particular project, but I'm having a big headeache with the API call, as it's not working at all, although I've tried several suggestions from the community. I would like to avoid...