使用JIRA 的“删除对象”活动 使用“删除对象”活动在 JIRA 中删除 Attachment、Component、Filter、Issue、IssueComment、IssueLink、IssueLinkType、IssueWorkLog、Version、Votes 和 Watchers。 关于此任务 使用此任务在 JIRA 实例中删除对象。对此活动的调用是同步调用,其中会将输入数据发送到该活动以进行处理并将响应发...
要通过Python脚本删除Jira问题,你需要使用Jira API。以下是一个基本的步骤和示例代码,用于删除Jira中的问题。 基础概念 Jira是一个项目跟踪和敏捷项目管理工具,广泛用于软件开发和其他领域。Jira API允许开发者通过编程方式与Jira实例进行交互,执行各种操作,如创建、更新、查询和删除问题。 相关优势 自动化:通过脚本自动...
To delete an issue, you must have the Delete issues permission in the project where the issue was created. Learn more about project permissions. To delete an issue from the list, you can: Select the issue key you’d like to delete, to open the issue detail view...
IssueRestClient issueClient = jiraRestClient.getIssueClient(); issueClient.addComment(issue.getCommentsUri(), Comment.valueOf(comment)).claim(); } //删除问题,目前找不到对应API public static void deleteIssue(final JiraRestClient jiraRestClient, Issue issue) { IssueRestClient issueClient = jiraRe...
11 'summary': "[%s]summary bulk added by api" % i, 12 'description': '0', 13 'issuetype': {'id': 10007} 14 }) 15 16 def func_time(func): 17 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): 18 start = time.time() 19 result = func(*args, **kwargs) ...
apiVersion: config.jira.apiVersion, strictSSL: config.jira.strictSSL})// 搜索 Jira export.searchJira=async(ctx, next)=>{letctx_query=ctx.query try{constissue=await instance.searchJira(ctx_query.searchString,{maxResult:1});ctx.body={success: true, ...
(一)JIRA API 对接 系统要跟JIRA对接,将本系统数据发送给jira,jira数据返回给本系统。 开始一头雾水怎么让数据传过去已什么形式存在,是存数据库呢还是怎么显示呢。研究半天发现其实只要将原数据作为json数据提供给jira接口,jira接口进行创建issue。 但前提在于要先创建项目。
If there are a lot of issues to be restored you may also use this REST API endpoint to facilitate the operation. Now Bulk Edit the issues using the Issue Type you want to delete, changing their type into a new one. After all issues have been mov...
* 官方示例:curl -u admin:admin -X POST --data @data.txt -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8080/jira/rest/api/2/issue/ * * 注意:--data后面的 @符合一定不能少 */String command="curl -D- -u "+user+":"+pwd+" -X GET -H \"Content-Type: application/json\"...
+ "/rest/api/2/issue/" + issueKey + "\""; String issueSt = executeShell(command); return issueSt; } 7|07、删除工单: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 /** * 删除工单 * @param issueKey 工单key * @return * @throws IOException */ public static String deleteIssueByKe...