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Ludan 981 and Jidan 7 are the type of high protein content and stability. 其中鲁单981和济单7号为蛋白质含量的高含量稳定类型; www.fabiao.net 3. Use maize Jidan 261 and Jingdan 28 as materials. Research the effects of water stress on chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of maize leaf. 以吉...
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《雨中女郎》,JIDAN,《雨中女郎》之雨夜,,主角:金子 ┃ 配角:其他 ┃ 其它:|最新更新:2022-04-05 15:22:31|作品积分:32010
Jidan Chai. Writer: Ge Ge Ni Bie Pao. Jidan Chai is known for Ge Ge Ni Bie Pao (2023), Sheng Shi (2017) and Shang Yin (2016).