那句著名的口头禅“这是常识,我亲爱的华生!”(Elementary, my dear Watson),从未在原作中出现过。福尔摩斯只说过近似这句经典名言的话:在《驼背人》中说了“Elementary”,在《硬纸盒子》中说了“显而易见,我亲爱的华生。”(It was very superficial my dear Watson)以及在另外三个故事中说:“没错,我亲爱的...
Mahô no stêji fanshî Rara: With Candice Moore, Victor Atelevich, Reiko Oimori, Kappei Yamaguchi. Miho Shinohara is an imaginative elementary school girl that dreams of becoming a manga artist one day. However, one day a twist of fate throws her fo
这是常识,我亲爱的华生。 Elementary, my dear Watson. 71 《小猪宝贝》 会没事的,小猪,会没事的 That\'ll do, pig. That\'ll do. 《疯狂麦克斯》导演乔治.米勒一直惜字如金。全片台词171个字,这是最感人的一句。 70 《断背山》 我只希望我知道如何...
When Elementary heads to London this fall, Sherlock Holmes won't be able to keep his life a secret any longer. 当《基本演绎法》在这个秋季于伦敦回归,Sherlock Holmes的生活就再也不是秘密了。 In a new preview for the upcoming sophomore season, Joan Watson is shocked to meet Sherlock's brother...
Twilight's description of Spike as "complimentary" is a reference to Sherlock Holmes' use of "Elementary, my dear Watson" in popular culture; the phrase never appeared in Arthur Conan Doyle's original Sherlock Holmes stories. 第86期 Cover B features Maud Pie and Marble Pie dressed as the Gr...
美国纽约州康乃尔大学( CornellUniversity)物理系的基本粒子物理实验室(LaboratoryforElementary-ParticlePhysics, 简称LEPP)是世界上著名的加速器物理研究中心之一,它位于纽约州中部芬格湖畔(FingerLakes)风景优美的伊萨卡市(Ithaca)。 LEPP主要从事实验物理和理论物理以及加速器物理的研究,拥有...
The 39-year-old English actor described Elementary - which will also star Lucy Liu as Watson - as "a great project" and "a good opportunity". "We just shot the pilot," he confirmed. "We're still waiting to hear what happens with it. We're not sure yet, we're taking it slowly....
As being a good student since the elementary school,I hope to keep up with my good marks.I want to be the number one student in the school,so I have to study very hard.I will try my best to do every single work assigned by the teacher,and never ask anybody to do my homework for...
Elementary 预计播出时间:2018年10月 主演: 约翰尼·李·米勒 / 刘玉玲 / 艾丹·奎因 看点:根据《福尔摩斯》系列改编,地点从19世纪大英帝国国势鼎盛的时期搬到了21世纪繁华热闹的美国纽约。有趣的是,故事里Joan Watson则是一位女性,因酒瘾害死病人并失去医师执照,后...