JGR-Solid Earth, With editor for decision,求祝福51 4/2 返回列表 上一页 1 2 查看: 4346 | 回复: 50 只看楼主@他人 存档 新回复提醒 (忽略) 收藏 在APP中查看 相关版块跳转 论文道贺祈福 我要订阅楼主 lijianhua0 的主题更新 51 4/2 返回列表 上一页 1 2 ...
On February 28, 1986, the Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR) Editorial Search Committee decided to select a board of six or seven editors to replace retiring JGR-Solid Earth and Planets editor Gerald Schubert. The committee, made up of the presidents-elect of the solid earth sections, a ...
变成了With editor for decision.从状态来看,经历了两次under review.祈福!希望Waiting for Revision.
Squyres, one of the editors of the Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth and Planets. This transition is “moving the discipline solidly into the realm of science traditionally covered by JGR,” Squyres said. “My objective as editor for planetology is to assure that JGR is the ...
终于看到同行了,也想投,在准备,祝你顺利 发自小木虫IOS客户端
Ken Hoffman (Physics Department, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo) has been appointed GP editor for papers submitted to the Journal of Geophysical Research—Solid Earth and Planets. His tenure will be from January 1987 to December 1988. Hoffman holds a Ph.D. in geophysics...
JGR-Solid Earth, With editor for decision,求祝福51 5/2 返回列表 上一页 1 2 查看: 4278 | 回复: 50 只看楼主@他人 存档 新回复提醒 (忽略) 收藏 在APP中查看 相关版块跳转 论文道贺祈福 我要订阅楼主 lijianhua0 的主题更新 51 5/2 返回列表 上一页 1 2 ...
William J. Hinze of Purdue University has been appointed editor of the Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth. The previous multi-editor set-up, based on disciplines, has been consolidated into a single editorship responsible for the entire journal.Anonymous...
JGR-Solid Earth, With editor for decision,求祝福51 3/2 返回列表 上一页 1 2 查看: 4303 | 回复: 50 只看楼主@他人 存档 新回复提醒 (忽略) 收藏 在APP中查看 相关版块跳转 论文道贺祈福 我要订阅楼主 lijianhua0 的主题更新 51 3/2 返回列表 上一页 1 2 ...
变成了With editor for decision.从状态来看,经历了两次under review.祈福!希望Waiting for Revision.