There are six sections of JGR-Solid. Authors can submit papers to Kaula or any of the six section editors, and all seven have power of final decision. According to Kaula, the nature of the journal requires cooperation in editing. "JGR-Solid is not only voluminous, it is diverse, with a...
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《Journal Of Geophysical Research-earth Surface》创刊于2003年,由AMER GEOPHYSICAL UNION出版商出版,该期刊专注于地球物理领域,相关领域来看一下该期刊的投稿经验吧! 投稿经验分享 分享一 投稿到online,一共3个月。jgr里面earth surface的影响因子最高,一直也很牛。没能想solid earth和atmosphere进到nature index,让...
Squyres, one of the editors of the Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth and Planets. This transition is “moving the discipline solidly into the realm of science traditionally covered by JGR,” Squyres said. “My objective as editor for planetology is to assure that JGR is the ...
On the origin of Earth's Moon Amy C. Barr Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets First Published:07 September 2016 Key Points The origin of the Moon is a fundamental question in planetary science The Giant Impact is consistent with the lunar mass, angular momentum, and iron content, but no...
Interested authors are invited to submit three copies of each manuscript by July 1, 1985, to Gerald Schubert, Editor, Journal of Geophysical ResearchâSolid Earth and Planets, Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90024, and one copy to the...