Further, not all the sayings and deeds in the Synoptic Gospels are reports of things that Jesus actually said and did. Believing that Jesus ascended into heaven, the early Christians spoke to him in prayer and sometimes he answered (2 Corinthians 12:8–9; cf. 1 Corinthians 2:13). Those ...
Sukkot, or the Feast of Booths or the Feast of Tabernacles, is a seven-day holiday rooted in the 40 years theIsraelitesspent wandering in thewilderness. During Sukkot, Jews construct and decorate a temporary shelter called asukka. A special prayer ritual requires the use ofetrog(a citrus fru...
Communal Prayer. The building of the Temple naturally invited public prayer. Indeed, the prayer ascribed to Solomon at its dedication (I Kings viii. 12-53) includes every form of prayer-adoration, thanksgiving, petition, and confession. But communal prayer—that is, liturgy—is hardly found ...
(Blessed are You, Lord our G.d, King of the Universe, who brings forth bread from the earth) As far as I can remember and wherever I am in the world, I always responded Amen or recited this prayer myself at the beginning of each of the three meals of Shabbat (Shabbat dinner, Shab...
of barley, calledomer, to God by waving them around in the Temple. Some understood this ritual to be a prayer for the protection of the barley harvest. Since biblical times Jews have observed the forty-nine days between Passover and Shavuot by formally counting them off. These forty-nine ...
The Levites recited prayers of thanksgiving and praise during the morning and evening sacrifices (I Chron. xxiii. 30), and Neh. xi. 17 indicates that this was an established ceremony. The threefold repetition of the daily prayer (Dan. vi. 11; Ps. lv. 18 [A. V. 17]) is likewise ...
God's Plan for Israel Now: How Does God Feel About Israel? Download Watch Yahweh’s Fall Holy Days: A Time for Thanksgiving! Download Watch Yahweh’s Fall Holy Days: A Foreshadowing Download Watch Yahweh’s Fall Holy Days: The Nearing of Jesus' Return Download Watch Yahweh’s Fall Hol...
Thanks, Brother Nathanael, for once again showing, graphically and in detail, the damage that the kikes are wreaking on our beloved country. America is going down the toilet because of the g.d. Jews! And the Yids are celebrating as they watch us slide into the watery grave that they hav...
Both the Western and Eastern Churches used to observe Advent with the traditional Lenten practices: fasting and abstinence, prayer, and almsgiving. While fasting during Advent has fallen by the wayside in the West, the Eastern Orthodox continue to observe an Advent fast: Philip’s Fast, named ...
A commonly recited prayer entitled “Unetaneh Tokef,” which isattributedto Rabbi Amnon of Mainz in Europe in the 11th or 12th centuryce—but possibly centuries older—relates, “On Rosh Hashanah it is inscribed, and on Yom Kippur it is sealed; how many shall pass away and how many shall...