Orthodox Holiday Epiphany Traditional Bathing People Gathered on the Beach for the Ceremony Prodronemovie | 0:00 Happy Israeli Jewish Little Boy Runs with Israel National Flag Independence Day Patriotism Stock_Holm flag israel israel flag jewish family jewish prayer judaism star of david torah wester...
and everyone takes a sip of wine. Many families have a special Kiddush cup for this purpose. This tradition has continued to this day, so the cup is still used today during this great holiday. Kiddush is followed by hand washing, the blessing of bread, which is dipped in salt or durin...
Therefore, eating matzah in remembrance of this story is one way of bringing some of the Passover stories to life. Apart from eating matzah, Hebrews avoid all leavened bread during the entire week of Passover. Other foods that they avoid eating during this time include wheat, rye, barley...
to God by waving them around in the Temple. Some understood this ritual to be a prayer for the protection of the barley harvest. Since biblical times Jews have observed the forty-nine days between Passover and Shavuot by formally counting them off. These forty-nine days of counting acquired...
Many rites and prayer-formulas were introduced to avert their malign influence, and special formulas for the dying were prescribed by the cabalists, by which all the demons—the shedim, ruḥin, lilin, mazziḳim, etc.—that may have been created by the impure thoughts and deeds of the ...
When I talked to women who had experienced sexual abuse, the initial feeling I had was “What do I wish for the man who did this to them?”, and as a rabbi I asked myself “How do I make it a liturgy? How does prayer become a call for revenge?” The call for revenge is ...
(religious) Jews is Friday, when the Sabbath is welcomed. In many Jewish households, two candles are placed on the dinner table and lit at sundown as a special prayer is said. A glass of wine and a loaf ofchallah(a special type of bread) are also placed on the table and blessed. A...
"Really for both," Lorge says. "For people who are serious scholars or have a passion for education, there is tremendous insight into the fact that in the camp environment, every moment is a teaching moment. Campers learn through music, prayer, Hebrew. It's the strength of summer camping...
The most important prayer we have is the Amida, otherwise known as the Shemonai Esrai. We stand in silence with our legs together. The Amida consists of three sections: the praising of G-d, asking for one’s needs and expressing our gratitude to HIM. ...
The order of services is the same as on working-days, except that the prayer "Ya'aleh we-Yabo" (May Our Remembrance) is inserted in the "Shemoneh 'Esreh." After the regular morning service the "Hallel" is recited and a section of the Law is read, after which the additional service...