A special feature of Jewish cuisine is the constant preparing forShabbat– a weekly holiday in the Jewish family. There are three festive tables for Shabbat: Friday night, Saturday morning and Saturday – at the end of the day. The first meal begins with the Kiddush, pronouncing the blessing...
the prayer before eating a date (tamarin Hebrew) includes the phrase “yitamu hataim”— may the wicked cease. Before eating pumpkin or squash (k’ra’ain Hebrew), Sephardic Jews say “yikaru l’fanekha z’khuyoteinu“– may our good deeds call out our merit before you. Alternatively...
"This is so wasteful! I have instructed my Secretary of the US Treasury to stop producing new pennies." He added, "Let’s rip the waste out of our great nation’s budget, even if it’s a penny at a time." This is the president’s latest move to reduce spending in the U.S. af...
Eating with Eli Kashrus Shabbos Holiday Simchas Recipes Chesed Hospitality In Need Of Nichum Aveilim Gemachs Ride Sharing Torah Ask The Rabbi Daily Halacha Parshas Hashavua Divrei Torah Shiurim Audio Archive Aliyah Institutions...
Prayer is better than sacrifice (Ber. 32b; Midr. Shemuel i. 7; Bacher, "Ag. Pal. Amor." ii. 217). Lulab and etrog replace the altar and offering (Suk. 45a, b). Blood lost when one is wounded replaces the blood of the 'olah (Ḥul. 7b). The reading of the "Shema'" and...
The institution of these five times of prayer developed gradually; to the three daily prayers which Mohammed himself appointed after the Jewish pattern were soon added the other two, in imitation of the five "gah" of the Parsees. (3) "Zakat," the levying of an annual property-tax on ...
“During a celebration of Mass, at the moment of the giving ofCommunion, in which a glass chalice was being administered, some pagans [sic] entered the church and shattered the chalice in question. Donatus, after intense prayer, collected all of the fragments and joined them together. There...
A great resource for teaching children to say the proper Bracha before eating. Davka - Catskills Font, £9.95details|buy Catskills is an adaptation of a classic font that presents English letters in a Hebrew style - perfect for displays and announcements for all Jewish organizations. ...
The prayer before Kol Nidrei on Erev Yom Kippur says: I extend complete forgiveness to everyone who has sinned against me, whether physically or monetarily, or spoke lashon hara about me or even false reports. And also for any damages, whether on my body or my property and all sins betwe...
As soon as he opened his eyes, with the light of which the whole house was illumined, he stood upright between the midwife's hands and addressed a prayer to God. His father, Lamech, frightened at this sight, went to consult Methuselah, telling him that his grandchild resembled an angel ...