36 You need to be patient, in order to do the will of God and receive what he promises. 37 For, as the scripture says, “Just a little while longer, and he who is coming will come; he will not delay.38 My righteous people, however, will believe and live; b...
At City of David, we have a vision for the next generation. God's plan for young people is L'dor V'dor - from one generation to the next. We have exciting and meaningful activities for children, youth and young adults. Read More >> ...
when Jacob asks his adversary to identify himself, the angel admonishes him not to ask. Afterwards, Jacob names the place P’niel — literally “face of God.”In explaining this choice, the Torah makes plain that the
God-talk has not come easily to Jews in recent generations, for now-familiar reasons: the age-old Jewish suspicion of claims to personal religious experience or direct divine authority; the modern suspicion that people who continue to believe in traditional religious notions have not fully come ...
This often results in a coercive conception of religion and education in which people are forced to do and believe that to which they would otherwise object. This essay explores images of God found in rabbinic readings of the Hebrew Bible as teacher and parent. These images form the basis of...
IfanyoneshouldhavewantedtoobeyGoditshouldhave beenaJewishprophet,oneoftheraceforwhomGodhaddonesomuch. 神在以色列民族中的作为是如此的伟大,若有人要定意遵从神,首先应该是犹太人的先知才对。 13 WhenIaskedat thehospitalinLondonif it wasanoption,thepaediatricianwondered ifIwasJewish. ...
Like Christianity and Islam, Judaism is a monotheistic religion because its followers believe in and worship only one God. Religious Jews hold different beliefs about God and divinity than the other Abrahamic religions. For example, Jews do not share the Christian view that Jesus Christ was the ...
Organized by SAJAC, KEN, IAC, and the JCC, the event brought together about 150 people—adults and children alike—for a potluck-style gathering full of music, fun, and fellowship. [Miriam Gershenson] International Shabbat Prompted Jewish Mingling Among Four Cultures Read More »International,...
Jews who believe in Judaism live by God's "chosen people". They always believe that they are different from other nationalities in their subconscious. Even though they have suffered countless hardships in history, this belief of Jews has never changed, but has been strengthened by "confidence in...
people with a warm face, a warm smile — really does matter a lot. If you gave most rabbinic sages a choice between someone who feels something but does nothing and someone who feels nothing but does something, they will always pick the latter. But the ideal is walking in God’s ways,...