Ask the Rabbi: The Who, What, When, Where, Why, & How of Being Jewish Does God really have a chosen people? Do Jews believe in an afterlife? Why do all Jewish holidays begin at night? When is it okay to tell a lie? What does Judaism say about being gay? From the mundane to ...
What religion do Jewish people practice? What was the first largest religion? Who is God in the Torah? Who is the father of Isaac in the Bible? Who are the 12 patriarchs of the Old Testament? What is the Druze religion? What is the oldest book in the Old Testament?
What makes people believe in God? If we ask a thousand people the question, we get a thousand different answers. But when we look at the distribution of people holding various beliefs, the answer jumps out at us.Our God is the God of our parents. ...
Noting that John the Baptist often called Jewish people to repent and be baptized for the remission of sins, some evangelists today also call people to repent of their sins, believe in Jesus and be baptized in order to receive eternal life. Some go off the deep end on repentance and tell...
The Chumash are an indigenous people who traditionally lived in coastal areas in Southern California. When the Europeans settled in California in the 16th century, they built missions which were designed to teach the Chumash to farm and to convert them to Catholicism....
What do people say about half truths? It is, however, a very common and popular phrase in church doctrinal statements today. Many churches will say like this one does: We believe that the Bible is God’s Word, that it is fully inspired in the original manuscripts. Or this one: The ...
The fact that Jesus is God is indicated in numerous places in the New Testament. John 5:18 states that Jewish leaders sought to kill Jesus “because he not only broke the Sabbath but also called God his Father, making himself equal with God.” Saint Paul also states that Jesus was equal...
But physicists know what school B knows, namely that a breach of symmetry does not entail a breach of unity. The natural laws by which the universe was created and upon which creation, including mankind, was designed to operate, is in the Bible known as the Word of God; a living and ...
The Bible does not specifically name the ophanim as angels. However, Jewish apocalyptic writers list them as angels because of three aspects: their eyes are attributes of a living creature, they have supernatural powers, and they exist close to the throne of God. ...
eagerness to engage with the broader Jewish community, its embrace of modern technology and communications tools to spread its message, and its global presence. From Memphis to Mumbai, Bangkok to Boston, there is scarcely a major city on the planet that does not have a permanent Chabad presence...