It is an invaluable resource for a diverse array of rabbis to discuss general halachic matters, as well as gain access to source materials for shiurim and answers to congregants’ questions. Shailos for regular or Kashrus shailos may emailed or discussed using this widget. Read More PINNED Scro...
Weekly activities for Jewish boys and girls aged between 11 and 14. Also camps every 2 months or so. view details AUSTRALIA - MELBOURNE Various locations, throughout the year FARMERS MARKETS VICTORIA Location: 210 Errol Street, North Melbourne, VIC 3051 By shopping at authentic farmers' marke...
Throughout the year, check website for dates BAMBA KIDS ISRAELI DANCING Location: 480c Glenhuntly Road, Elsternwick, VIC Geared for children aged 5-9 - every Sunday view details AUSTRALIA - MELBOURNE Shule Services KEW HEBREW CONGREGATION: SHULE SERVICES Location: 53 Walpole st, Kew, VIC ...
Campus safety now a top priority for Jewish students choosing colleges As early decision applications are due, high school students are factoring in which schools are speaking out against anti-Jewish hate By Gabby Deutch November 1, 2023
In France, “Babette Kahn (née Bloch), an uneducated homebound mother: and cattle dealer Louis Kahn gave birth to Abraham Kahn who gained fame as Albert Kahn was a millionaire Parisian banker and philanthropist whose plan to use his
One passage in the Talmud gives permission for a woman who molested her young son to marry a high priest. It concludes, “All agree that the connection of a boy aged nine years and a day is a real connection; whilst that of one less than eight years is not....
•Died:December12,1999(aged76)LongIsland, NewYork •Occupation:Novelist,Shortstorywriter, Playwright •Genres:Satire,Blackcomedy •Notablework(s):Catch-22 JosephHellerattheMiami BookFairInternational of1986 •JosephHellerwasanAmericansatirical ...