Miami Jewish Health Systems Miami Shores Nursing and Rehab Center Palm Garden of Aventura Palmetto Subacute Care Center Pines Nursing Home Regents Park at Aventura Riverside Care Center St. Anne’s Nursing Center & Residence University Plaza Rehabilitation and Nursing Center ...
Ira Leesfield is founder and managing partner of Leesfield & Partners, with offices in Miami, Key West, South Beach and Central Florida. Recently, Mr. Leesfield received the prestigious “Judge Learned Hand Award” presented by American Jewish Committee in recognition of his values and standards of...
Omar is a lightning rod for controversy during her first months in office, making comments about Jewish people that evoked anti-Semitic stereotypes in addition to her critical comments on the administration's decision to recognize Guaido as Venezuela's legitimate leader. Republicans have called on he...
“Both men have extremely similar profiles — politically experienced, successful business owners who are white, male, Jewish and from South Florida,” Brad Coker, CEO of Mason-Dixon Polling & Strategy, noted last week after a poll showed Greene climbing into third place and Levine falling into...
The Women of the Wall, known as WoW, are religious Jewish women who wear the ceremonial prayer shawl ( tallit ), as do men; pray from the Torah Scroll, as do men; and pray aloud in a group ( tfila ), as do men. They have called it the th... F Raday - Springer Berlin Heidel...