The article focuses on knowledge of Jewish traditions and the Hebrew language of Peter Abelard, a medieval French scholastic philosopher and theologian, through analysis of his "Expositio in hexaemeron," a commentary on Genesis 1, or the six day creation. Topics include difference in usage of ...
My Jewish Learning is a not-for-profit and relies on your help Donate Commentary on Parashat Bereshit, Genesis 1:1-6:8 There are few beginnings that are not truly difficult. They demand of us a great deal of self-discipline and self-motivation, forcing us out of our complacency. Most ...
Unfortunately, in his lifetime, the Rav never wrote a systematical commentary on the Torah. However, Dr. Arnold Lustiger, surveyed the vast corpus of the Rav’s writings and put together one of the most remarkable Pentateuch commentaries I have ever read. The name of his magnum opus is en...
(Genesis 10:29), it must be located in the Arabian Peninsula. On the other hand, it is mentioned in Genesis 2:11 as the land around which flows the Pishon, one of the four great rivers that flowed from the Garden of Eden; there one finds gold, bdellium, and lapis lazuli. Note ...
Genesis 47:28-50:26 Haftarah I Kings 2:1-12 Featured Commentary Parashat Vayechi: The Legend of You and Me Jacob’s blessing to his son Joseph offers a potent metaphor about maintaining steadfastness in a world defined by rapid change. ...
The letters that make up Ana b'Cho'ach are encoded within the first 42 letters of the book of Genesis. The kabbalists explain that this combination of letters takes us back to the time of Creation, and each time we meditate on a particular sequence, we return to the original uncorrupted...
Joseph lives to see his great-grandchildren, and on his death-bed he exhorts his brethren, if God should remember them and lead them out of the country, to take his bones with them (1.).§ 9. Aim of Work. Illuminated Page of Genesis.(From a manuscript formerly in the possession of ...
All these sects had their sacred writings, which they kept secret; and these writings probably formed the nucleus of the Zohar, which is a mystic commentary on the Pentateuch, as the upanishads are the mystic interpretation of the Vedas and other Brahmanic scriptures. In its peregrinations ...
In the commentary on Genesis 1:26 he had already defined a series of such relationships, for example, between the parts of the human body (microcosm) and the universe (macrocosm), which perfectly matched the principles of traditional Ptolemaic astrology and Hippocratic medicine but not the series...
Rashbam’s commentary on Genesis 22:1. 30. BT Bava Batra 15b. 31. Mahzor Rinat Israel le-Rosh Ha-Shanah(Nusah Sefarad), ed. S. Tal (Jerusalem: Moreshet, 1986), 200 [Heb]. 32. The Koren Shalem Siddur(Jerusalem: Koren, 2017), 34. ...