Unfortunately, in his lifetime, the Rav never wrote a systematical commentary on the Torah. However, Dr. Arnold Lustiger, surveyed the vast corpus of the Rav’s writings and put together one of the most remarkable Pentateuch commentaries I have ever read. The name of his magnum opus is en...
The article focuses on knowledge of Jewish traditions and the Hebrew language of Peter Abelard, a medieval French scholastic philosopher and theologian, through analysis of his "Expositio in hexaemeron," a commentary on Genesis 1, or the six day creation. Topics include difference in usage of ...
My Jewish Learning is a not-for-profit and relies on your help Donate Commentary on Parashat Toldot, Genesis 25:19-28:9 Parashat Toldot begins with the story of our foremother Rebecca’s difficult pregnancy. After her husband Isaac has prayed for her to conceive, she finds herself expecting...
Commentary on Parashat Bereshit, Genesis 1:1-6:8 There are few beginnings that are not truly difficult. They demand of us a great deal of self-discipline and self-motivation, forcing us out of our complacency. Most beginnings require courage and fortitude. God created this world out of nothi...
10-14 as supplementary (comp. his Commentary on Genesis); and the view is now generally accepted. Budde ("Urgeschichte," pp. 46 et seq.) showed that ii. 9b and iii. 22b, relating to the tree of life, are also later additions, a view which Toy rightly confirms ("Jour. Bib. Lit....
Owing to its importance, Rashi's commentary was translated into Latin by Christian scholars of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, some parts several times. The most complete Latin translation is that of John Frederick Breithaupt, which appeared at Gotha: on the Pentateuch, 1710; on the ...
Genesis Rabbah 56:11. 27. Genesis Rabbah 55:3. 28. Pirke de-Rabbi Eliezer(Jerusalem, 1973), ch. 31. 29. Rashbam’s commentary on Genesis 22:1. 30. BT Bava Batra 15b. 31. Mahzor Rinat Israel le-Rosh Ha-Shanah(Nusah Sefarad), ed. S. Tal (Jerusalem: Moreshet, 1986), 200 [...
One is an introduction to his commentary on Genesis, another is an epilogue to the same, both being acrostics on "Tobiah bar Eliezer Ḥazaḳ"; a third is a short acrostic on "Tobiah," forming an epilogue to Leviticus;and the remaining one is a "seliḥah" beginning "Ehyeh asher ...
The opinion expressed by Jeremiah is, however, very old and wide-spread, for we find the fathers of the Christian Church at pains to refute this "Jewish fable"; Augustine writes against it in his commentary on Genesis, ad loc. ch. 22. Strabos,agreeing with Augustine, declares this opini...
Cassuto, Umberto. 1959.A Commentary on the Book of Genesis, Part 2: From Noah to Abraham. Hebrew: Hebrew University Press. [Google Scholar] Demsky, Aaron. 1971. The Genealogy of Gibeon: Biblical and Epigraphic Considerations.Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research202: 16–23. ...