Then, enter your API token in the Jetbrains plugin configuration, as shown below. Once the token is added, click on "Apply" and then "Test API connection". Support You can use the current issue tracker or report the issue on our Slack channel. Implementation Details Dependencies apollo-androi...
1.新建文件夹tmp1,将下载的插件包xxx.zip解压到tmp1 2.新建文件夹intellij-go-0.13.1947,将里面的 tmp1/xxx/lib/intellij-go-0.13.1947.jar 解压到intellij-go-0.13.1947 3.将解压后的META-INF/plugin.xml 中的until-build="163.*" 修改为你的版本(打开about信息里面有 build版本 )我是181开头就改为 u...
-1 Michael Wölk 30.07.2024 Confusing UI 0 Show All Reviews Additional Information Vendor: JetBrains s.r.o.(Trader) Plugin ID: org.jetbrains.plugins.github Report Plugin
SBT plugin that makes development of IntelliJ Platform plugins in Scala easier by providing features such as:Downloading and attaching IntelliJ Platform binaries Setting up the environment for running tests Flexible way to define plugin artifact structure Publishing the plugin to JetBrains plugin repository...
With your consent, JetBrains may also use cookies and your IP address to collect individual statistics and provide you with personalized offers and ads subject to the Privacy Notice and the Terms of Use. JetBrains may use third-party services for this purpose. You can adjust or withdraw your ...
随笔分类 -JetBrains plugin idea plugin 插件开发之检测文件修改 摘要:实现 ApplicationComponent,BulkFileListener 接口,当然由于是 ApplicationComponent,因此需要在 plugin.xml 加上相关配置。 plugin.xml 添加配置: 下面是文件内容: 示例: 如上,我们可以通过 event 参数获取文件所在阅读全文 ...
The JetBrains Plugin Repository is an aptly named web service for hosting and finding plugins for IntelliJ-based IDEs and TeamCity, extending the functionality of the products with new features, such
The Error is: java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: when resolving interface method "org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.toplevel.typedef.ScTypeDefinition.functions()Lscala/Seq;" the class loader (instance of com/intellij/ide/plugins/cl/PluginClassLoader) of the current c...
- Variant'runtimeElements' capability org.jetbrains.intellij.plugins:gradle-intellij-plugin:1.16.1declares alibraryforuseduring runtime, packaged as a jar,andits dependencies declared externally: - Incompatible because thiscomponentdeclares acomponent, compatiblewithJava11andthe consumer needed acomponent, ...