插件写完了,接下来我们发布到plugin repository,让更多的人看到我们的插件。 6.1. 修改插件图标 使用你钟意的图标替换掉src/main/resources/META-INF目录下的pluginIcon.svg文件即可。 6.2. 发布插件 首先你需要登陆Jetbrains账号,如果没有的话就注册一个吧,注册地址给上。 https://plugins.jetbrains.com/author/me ...
[A]、Publishing a Plugin 登录JetBrains Plugins Repository,如果没有账号的话,需要先注册一个。 执行intellij->buildPlugin任务来编译插件。 点击右上方的登录用户名,下拉选择Upload plugin,在新的页面中填写插件相关的信息,最后点击上传按钮。 [B]、Gradle 任务上传 该方式需要在环境变量中添加PUBLISH_TOKEN变量,该变...
The JetBrains Plugin Repositoryis an aptly named web service for hosting and finding plugins for IntelliJ-based IDEs and TeamCity, extending the functionality of the products with new features, such as new language, framework or integrations. It’s both a web site and a web service, with a ri...
在IDE的菜单中,选择Preferences(偏好设置)。 在左侧菜单选择Plugins(插件),并切换到Marketplace(市场)。 在搜索框中输入“CodeGeeX”。 在搜索结果中找到CodeGeeX并点击Install(安装)。 Visual Studio Code 访问VS Code官方插件市场或直接点击CodeGeeX插件安装地址。 点击左侧的Extensions(扩展)按钮。 在搜索框中输入...
JetBrains Marketplace JetBrains provides an official plugin repositoryJetBrains Marketplacefor all IntelliJ Platform-based IDEs, as well as other products. warning These pages have moved toJetBrains Marketplace Documentation. Please update your bookmarks....
现在官方网站就到手了:https://plugins.jetbrains.com/docs/intellij/getting-started.html 官方文档一般情况下写得都非常详细,尤其是掺杂着各种超链接。大家在读官方文档的时候如果不是十分清楚超链接的含义,尽量不要点,否则跳来跳去很容易把心态搞崩。
JetBrains Plugin Repository网站别名 JetBrains Plugin Repository 网站地址 plugins.jetbrains.com 网站类型 网络科技 软件下载 所属地区 北美洲 更新时间 2021-10-22 关键词 JetBrains Plugin Repository,JetBrains插件库 网站描述 JetBrains Plugin Repository汇聚了海量优质的插件资源,主要包括Kotlin、Scala、BashSupport、...
We've finally opened our long-promised new plugin repository site for beta testing. The beta site is at:http://beta.plugins.intellij.net/You can use your existing ITN account to log in, or create an account on the site. Feel free to browse around, and if you're a plugin develo...
Example: -Dsbtidea.ijrepo=https://proxy.mycompany.com/intellij-repositoryAuto enable the pluginSbt-idea-plugin currently breaks scalaJS compilation, and thereby has autoloading disabled. To enable it either add enablePlugins(SbtIdeaPlugin) to project definition. Example:...
service for hosting and finding plugins for IntelliJ IDEA and then other IntelliJ-based IDEs. At the end of 2016, we decided to migrate the TeamCity plugins to the same repository. In addition, there was also a separate ReSharper Gallery for .NET extensions that had been available since 20...