less than or equal to -47 C whereas Jet A freezes at less than or equal to -40 C. The performance difference is important for certain routes. When flying from Washington to Tokyo over the polar route, for example, the airline would want to know the freeze point of the fuel to be ...
The aircraft carries 13,000 kg (29,000 lb) of fuel and is fitted with a Parker Hannifin fuel system. 【参考译文】E190/195机型是E170/175机型的加长版,配备了新的、更大的机翼、更大的水平稳定器,增加了两个紧急机翼上方出口以及新的发动机。Embraer 190和Embraer 195都配备了两个翼下安装的通用电气...
Jet Fuel the fuel used in jet aircraft engines. The most common jet fuels are kerosine fractions obtained by straight-run distillation of low-sulfur and high-sulfur crude oils; examples of these fuels are the domestic jet fuels T-l (from low-sulphur crude oil) and TS-1 (from high-sulphur...
Euro Jet provides global flight support services that includes ground handling support, jet fuel, flight planning, in-flight catering, permits, crew transportation, and credit.
Euro Jet provides global flight support services that includes ground handling support, jet fuel, flight planning, in-flight catering, permits, crew transportation, and credit.
词汇jet fuel 释义 jet fuel jet fuel发音 意思翻译 喷气燃料;航空煤油;喷气式发动机燃料 航空涡轮发动机燃料 相似词语短语 jet fuels───喷气燃料;航空煤油;喷气式发动机燃料 spent fuel───[核]乏燃料,[核]用过的燃料 rocket fuel───火箭燃料
grade. RP-4 is a wide-cut type fuel similar to Western Jet B and Soviet T-2. RP-5 is a high flash point kerosine similar to that used in the West by naval aircrafl operating on aircraft carriers. Virtually all jet fuel produced in China is now RP-3 (renamed No 3 Jet Fuel). ...
Jet fuel vapor exposures were measured using industrial hygiene sampling techniques at three domestic U.S. Air Force installations. Breathing zone samples were collected from within three general job categories at each location: aircraft maintenance, fuel handling, and flightline positions. These samples...
In total, five A321 aircraft are due to be delivered to JetBlue from Mobile using sustainable fuel by the end of 2018. All of the fuel will be supplied and certified by Air BP. It will be loaded into the aircraft by Signature Flight Support, Airbus’ fueling services pr...