DLP or Digital Light Processing refers to a method of printing that makes use of light and photosensitive polymers. While it is very similar to SLA, the key difference is the light source. DLP utilizes other light sources like arc lamps. DLP is relatively quick compared to other 3D printing...
Bob Maddox once built the world’s largest pulse-jet engine and mounted it in a 1965 Jaguar. Star Wars audio engineers even recorded his pulse-jet engines for the movie Solo.
What makes a substance a fuel? A fuel is any substance that can be combusted or oxidized to release energy, typically for heating, powering engines, or generating electricity. 14 Can all oils be used as fuels? No, not all oils are suitable for use as fuels. Some, like essential or coo...
One of the problems with the fuel itself is the increase in NOx in biodiesel emissions. Often, in diesel fuel manufacturing, when you decrease the amount of particulate matter in the emissions, there is a corresponding increase in nitrogen oxides, which contribute to smog formation. Though some ...
Jet fuel packs a lot of energy for its weight and it is this energy density that has really enabled commercial flight. Today, there aren’t any other viable options for transporting groups of people quickly over very long distances, so we’re dependent on this type of fuel in...
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In addition to the well-known products of gasoline, jet fuel, and diesel fuel, the downstream industry touches every consumer. Additional processing produces lubricants, waxes, and specialty products, such as high-quality oils for medicines and cosmetics. ...
What makes up these vital materials? They are often a form of natural resources that fall into three main categories: Plant/tree-based:Vegetables, fruits, flowers, wood, resin, corn, grain, lumber and latex. Animal-based:Leather, meat, bones, milk, wool and silk. ...
In short, they're liquid fuels made from renewable resources. ‘Bio’ is a prefix that makes a lot of stuff very cool: biosphere, bionic (anything), biodiversity. By the dictionary definition, it means ‘life’ derived from Greek. Biofuels by this definition are fuels derived from org...
What Is an OPF? Petrol Particulate Filters Explained FixMyCar explains how petrol particulate filters work and which cars have them. Exhaust How it works How Does a Car Work? FixMyCar explains how combustion engine cars work. Do you run a garage?