What makes a substance a fuel? A fuel is any substance that can be combusted or oxidized to release energy, typically for heating, powering engines, or generating electricity. 14 Can all oils be used as fuels? No, not all oils are suitable for use as fuels. Some, like essential or coo...
DLP or Digital Light Processing refers to a method of printing that makes use of light and photosensitive polymers. While it is very similar to SLA, the key difference is the light source. DLP utilizes other light sources like arc lamps. DLP is relatively quick compared to other 3D printing...
Bob Maddox once built the world’s largest pulse-jet engine and mounted it in a 1965 Jaguar. Star Wars audio engineers even recorded his pulse-jet engines for the movie Solo.
Jet fuel packs a lot of energy for its weight and it is this energy density that has really enabled commercial flight. Today, there aren’t any other viable options for transporting groups of people quickly over very long distances, so we’re dependent on this type of fuel in...
19.4 million barrels of crude oil (refined to make gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, propane and plastics) every day Fossil fuels carry a range of health and environmental risks of fossil fuels, but we use them heavily because they are cheap and abundant. The U.S. is the world’s largest...
It is a nearly spherical body, and it emits energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation caused by a nuclear fusion reaction at the sun's core. Its radius is about 110 times the radius of the Earth, and its mass is about 330 thousand times the mass of the Earth. The sun makes ...
Petroleum Products–crude oiland various refined crude oil products including gasoline, heating oil, diesel fuel, jet fuel, lubricating oils, and asphalt. Hydrocarbon gas liquids– gas liquids derived from natural gas and crude oil and include alkanes (e.g., propane and butane)and alkenes (e.g...
When most people are asked what makes rockets lift off they say it's caused by the push of the exploding fuel against the ground. Explain why this is wrong. What causes turbulence in fluid flow? What prevents atmospheric gases from flying off into space? What effect does heating a gas hav...
What makes the powerful storms on the West Coast stand out isn’t just their impacts—it’s the science behind why they’ve been so impactful.One million customers left in the dark. Ferries cancelled. Trees uprooted. Highways blocked. Over the past ...
In short, they're liquid fuels made from renewable resources. ‘Bio’ is a prefix that makes a lot of stuff very cool: biosphere, bionic (anything), biodiversity. By the dictionary definition, it means ‘life’ derived from Greek. Biofuels by this definition are fuels derived from org...