Let no Christian be humiliated or discouraged by gross temptation, since even the Son of God was tempted to worship the devil. What Jesus would not do, the Beast has done, and has received the kingdoms for a season ( Revelation 13:1-9 ). Note, too, that it is all one wheth...
Luke 4:2 tn Grk“in the desert, for forty days being tempted.” The participle πειραζόμενος (peirazomenos) has been translated as an adverbial clause in English to avoid a run-on sentence with a second “and.” Here the present participle suggests a period of forty da...
Indeed, it's THE MOVIE of all times! 10 out of 10. Helpful•8 5 vyefim Jul 21, 2007 Permalink A Wonderful And Accurate Jesus Movie. The Jesus Film is a wonderful Jesus movie that adapts The Gospel of Luke, save for John 3:16-17. The movie also sticks very close to The Bible....
"1 Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the desert, 2 where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he was hungry. 3 The devil said to him, 'If you are the Son ...
We read of Jesus being tempted by Satan, but we never hear of a confession of sin on his part. He never asked for forgiveness, though he told his followers to do so. This lack of any sense of moral failure on Jesus' part is astonishing since it is completely contrary to the experienc...
Like Cleopas and his friend, we can be tempted to grumble and argue about the unmet expectations we experience. To this Jesus asked, “What things?”Jesus knows all those things.He wants you to know he knows those things. He understands those things. In fact, Jesus encountered those things...
He was tempted by Satan like all human beings, and yet He never sinned at all. Jesus never sinned in any way because He was so close to God the Father and God the Holy Spirit at all times, and because He was determined to be OBEDIENT to the will of His Father God in all things....
While fasting in the desert, Jesus was tempted by Satan on numerous occasions; several of which are recorded in the bible. Each time, the Lord rebuked the Devil, using scripture as His primary weapon. We read, ‘Then he (the devil) brought Him to Jerusalem, set Him on the pinnacle of...
tempted by Satan (Matthew 4:1-11, Luke 4:1-13), the forty days & nights Moses spent on Mount Sinai receiving The Ten Commandments from God (Exodus 19:1-25), the forty years the Jewish nation spent wandering in the desert, and the forty days & nights rains fell upon the Earth while...
MicahCaswell.com Politics A Gen-Xer’s Hope to Recalibrate Bible,Gospel Spirituality,Jesus,Preaching Greidanus’ Ways to Christ, part 2 Bible,Gospel Spirituality,Jesus,Preaching Greidanus’ Ways to Christ, part 1 Bible,Gospel Spirituality,Jesus,Preaching ...