Christians and Jews conquered by the sword of Islam are thus to be all beheaded-- it is planned that followers of all other religions shall die except those who, when finally conquered by Islam, are at last willing to recant of their faith in Christianity (or Hinduism, or Buddhism, or Ba...
Jesus has an important role in the two largest world religions, Christianity and Islam. Most other religions, however, do not consider Jesus to have been a supernatural or holy being. Some of these religions, like Buddhism, do not take any official stance on Jesus' life. The religion Jesus ...
Christians and Jews conquered by the sword of Islam are thus to be all beheaded-- it is planned that followers of all other religions shall die except those who, when finally conquered by Islam, are at last willing to recant of their faith in Christianity (or Hinduism, or Buddhism, or Ba...
there is no ultimate distinction between religions which involve beliefs in spiritual beings or other supernatural phenomena and many other kinds of socially unifying ideas such as nationalism. The latter can be seen asFUNCTIONAL ALTERNATIVES OR FUNCTIONAL EQUIVALENTSof religion in the more conventional ...
I’ve mentioned before how the Gospels kinda don’t agree onanything. Some see this as the final nail in historical-Jesus’s coffin; but for others, these screw-ups point in exactly the opposite direction. Take the Gospel of Mark—several times, Mark quite clearly states that Jesus came ...
On Other Religions Beware of any religion that has rituals, a revered (or worshiped) human leader (yes, including Catholicism), rights of passage, demands money (legitimate organizations need money to operate but should not demand you pay anything, give freely if you want to), or threatens ...
“free will” in theEnglish Standard Version,New International Version,New American Standard Bible, andKing James Version. The search yielded two uses of “free will,” and I was surprised to find that neither of them hint to the understanding of libertarian free will mentioned in the previous...
“me” and all of “God” written on it, which is why there is certainty for the follower of Christunlike all the religions of the World inclusive of Catholicism. This Gospel produces the true fruit of selfless work, as work done in expectation of salvation could never be selfless, and...
As with members of other religions, Mormons keep the Sabbath holy by attending church, partaking of the sacrament of the Lords Supper, and studying the teachings of Jesus as found in the Bible. In addition to these activities, Mormons also consider Sunday to be a day to spend time with fam...
Most of them originally come from Brother Al-Kadhi's work, and the rest of them come from other brothers' and sisters' work which I mentioned their names on their articles. The sections that don't have author's name on them are Brother Al-Kadhi's work....