Perhaps instead of concentrating on what religions tell usnotto do, we should rely on what they tell ustodo. Jesus said, “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” The same words appear in Judaism, Leviticus 19:18, and are sometimes called the central commandment of the Torah. I’m no expert on...
In many religions, deities are considered divine. 4 Sacred (of a duty or service) Regarded with deep respect. They performed the sacred rituals exactly as prescribed. 3 Divine Of, from, or like God. The priest shared his belief in divine love. 3 Sacred Religious rather than secular. Sacred...
Milton R. Hunter (one of the LDS General Authorities) explains "The appointment of Jesus to be Savior of the world was contested by one of the other sons of God. He was called Lucifer…this spirit-brother of Jesus desperately tried to become the Savior of mankind" (The Gospel Through the...
This wasthe first notion of scientific explanation for the environment .For thousands of years, if the crops failed , someone “up there” wasn’t too happy about something. The same held when people died of disease or in other unexpected ways . The ideaof sacrificial gifts to appea...
Religions, by which are meant the modes of divine worship proper to different tribes, nations, or communities, and based on the belief held in common by the members of them severally. . . . There is no living religion without something like a doctrine. On the other hand, a doctrine, how...
I accept the rising saints as literal along with the other signs following Jesus’ death, including the tearing of the veil, darkness over the land, and an earthquake. Licona’s main argument is that it was a common Roman literature tendency to associate signs with important people’s death...
Nowhere is it suggested that the Christian assembly should major in “speaking truth to power,” other than the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Rather, the power of the ekklesia to change society comes from the authenticity of its corporate life, which is a manifestation of the presence...
Jesus Christ, on the other hand, was an honest person, and he served the purpose of holding on to the grand truth such that mankind is not led in the direction which favors the success of Satan's deceptive plan. Taking the Holistic side of reality into account as well is what helps on...
Christianity was always a pagan religion started in Egypt 200-300 years before Yeshua ministered as Second Adam. Not one of Yeshua’s disciples were crestianus “christian”). The Roman imperialists saw to it that it ,along with many of the other pagan religions in their wicked empire, were...
This is what the LORD said to me: “Go and stand at the Gate of the People, through which the kings of Judah go in and out; stand also at all the other gates of Jerusalem.New Living TranslationThis is what the LORD said to me: “Go and stand in the gates of Jerusalem, first ...