Aomori, where Jesus Lived in Japan According to a scroll written in classical Japanese which hangs on the wall, His journey to Japan was as follows: Jesus lived in Egypt until he was 21 years old. He then went to Nazareth. He stayed there for a time, but the people rejected his teachi...
In the midst of a voyage to Egypt in the 1990s, Paul became intrigued with the notion that Jesus had traveled extensively in the land of the pyramids, yet there was nothing written in the Bible about what he did there. This mysterious gap in the biography of the world’s most influential...
Henry, William Mary Magdalene: The Iluminator, The Woman Who Enlightened the Christ Kashmiri, Aziz Christ in Kashmir Kersten, Holger Jesus Lived in India: His Unknown Years Before and After the Crucifixion Kersten, Holger & Elmer R. Gruber The Jesus Conspiracy Kimball, Glenn Hidden Stories of t...
“customs officers”—in the villages on his side of theSea of Galilee. There also was some exchange of populations: some Jews lived in Gentile cities, such as Scythopolis, and some Gentiles lived in at least one of the Jewish cities, Tiberias. Jewish merchants and traders could probably ...
This interpretation also fits with the timing of Jesus' death, which according to the Bible fell either on the first day of, or the day before, Passover. Passover celebrates the Israelites' escape from slavery in Egypt, an escape sanctioned by God and sealed with a sacrifice. Among the ...
The most famous Jesus, of course, is Jesus theNazarene, also known as JesusChristor theMessiah; the semi-biological son ofMary, son-by-law ofJosephandmonogenesSon of God. Jesus was born inBethlehem, lived as an infant inEgypt, moved toNazarethand worked as aτεκτων(tekton), techn...
For some unknown reason the person behindthis sitehas spend many hours photoshopping Jesus un various mundane everyday situations. Scroll down to see the best examples and let us know in the comments if you think this kind of humor is offensive or not?
People name their sons Moses, who is a savior to the Israelites in Egypt. I'm not Christian, but I don't get the "Only the Lord and Savior should be named Jesus!" Actually, that is hilarious. More ridiculous Christian outrage. Isn't it more like a mark of respect and love to ...
They lived in Egypt until Herod’s death. This Egyptian exile fulfilled what Hosea had preached: “I called my son out of Egypt.”16-18 Herod, when he realized that the scholars had tricked him, flew into a rage. He commanded the murder of every little boy two years old and under ...
When theslain fallin Egypt, And theytake away her wealth, And herfoundations are broken down. Although the destruction in Ezekiel references Egypt, it is applied to Jerusalem as well as He uses similar words and phrases of the prophecy. ...