After Jesus is born and Herod has sent soldiers to go kill every infant under the age of two, Joseph takes Mary and Jesus to flee to Egypt. On the way, they stop at a cave to rest for the night. While waiting, a small spider is watching and hearing Joseph’s prayers to protect M...
21 So you longed for the lewdness of your youth, when in Egypt your bosom was caressed and your young breasts fondled. 22 “Therefore, Oholibah, this is what the Sovereign Lord says: I will stir up your lovers against you, those you turned away from in disgust, and I will bring th...
There is only one church Jesus did not rebuke in Rev.2 & chap. 3; it was the church of Philidelphia; where He tells them that they will be taken before the great or temptation (I Think the Great and terrible day or part of the tribulations; did not even Israel go through the first...
who gave his name to the whole process, in the 1880s in Ireland. Boycott was the land agent for an absentee English noble. And what they did, when he became too domineering, is they denied him
It is a visible expression of the arcane maxim;Equilibrium is the basis of The Great Work. Everything is about balance, and existence is always in a state of action... bringing it all back into balance. I could take you on a travelogue to ancient Egypt and the feather on the scales....
Divorce According to Jesus Do Not Go To Egypt Do people despise you? Do people hate you on sight? Do you have a zit in your life? Do you have an Ahab? Do you live near a terrorist? Do you love me? Does Satan have a body? Does Solar Cycle 25 predict good weather for the future...
You may make plans but The Lord allows you to make those steps. There are many stages of understanding we walk through as a Christian. For me the first was just basic believing in Jesus. Next came trying to be a better person –to make Him proud, like I would my earthly father. ...
in the 1880s in Ireland. Boycott was the land agent for an absentee English noble. And what they did, when he became too domineering, is they denied him labour to save the harvest, they put him into isolation – refused to talk to him under any circumstances, they shops wouldn’t serve...
In the ordinary, everyday drudgery of her life, Jesus arrives. He comes to the well, sits, and waits for her. She did not have to seek him on a mountain or a temple. Jesus came to her! Make no mistake… This is true for YOU as well…He meets YOU where we are. God is spirit...
There’s a better way, I found, the only way to truly love our enemies. Jesus gave us that way when He said,“Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful”(Luke 6:36). The way to be able to show those in our congregation mercy (forgiving them) is to focus on how we, as the...