He is believed by Christians to have risen from his tomb after three days, appeared to his disciples several times, and ascended to Heaven after 40 days 2. (Biography) Also called: Jesus Christ or Jesus of Nazareth ?4 bc–?29 ad, founder of Christianity, born in Bethlehem and brought ...
is aMassin theCatholic Churchoffered for the repose of thesoulor souls of one or more deceased persons, using a particular form of theRoman Missal. It is frequently, but not necessarily, celebrated in the context of afuneral.
it is an old, laudable custom to commemorate St. Stephen on the second day of Christmas. For just as the innocent children were the first martyrs after Christ’s birth, so also St. Stephen was the first after Christ’s ascension to praise our glorious King Jesus with his blood. Our pred...
He is the great King Immanuel, who stands today on the right hand of His Father. He is the light, the life, and the hope of the world. His way is the path that leads to happiness in this life and eternal life in the world to come. —The Living Christ...
Jesus Is Risen!Lutheran Hymn Project 3 Now All the Vault of Heaven ResoundsLutheran Hymn Project 4 Hail Thee, Festival Day!Lutheran Hymn Project 5 The Risen ChristLutheran Hymn Project 6 Christ the Lord Is Risen Today, Alleluia!Lutheran Hymn Project 7 Alleluia! Christ Is ArisenLutheran...
“We live in a world of suffering, a world broken and disintegrated, in which Christ’s Transfiguration uncovers reality and reveals to our skeptical minds a new humanity that has either entered into the light of the Risen One or is still called to do so … [W]e need to put on a rob...
This, again, shows an early autumn birth for Christ. (Martin E. When was Jesus born? Plain Truth, September-October 1972)Related to the reason that Joseph had to go to Bethlehem (the census) at the time of Jesus’ birth, even The Catholic Encyclopedia admits that the “census would have...
before any theological reflection about the nature of that preexistence had been able to find terms and concepts, the early Christians were worshipping Christ as divine. The passage from Philemon mentioned above may be a quotation from a hymn used in such worship. Theological reflection told them...
During Jesus' brief period of consciousness, Jesus asked this man to convey to his disciples that he had risen from the dead. However, Jesus died shortly after and this person helped bury him. It is also this anonymous person who was present in the tomb when the women came early on ...
27“You will all fall away,”Jesus told them,“for it is written: “‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.’[d] 28But after I have risen, I will go ahead of you into Galilee.” 29Peter declared, “Even if all fall away, I will not.” ...