In today's Gospel, the disciples are together again. Jesus is not there, but a lot of them sense His presence. The Risen Christ has been seen more than once sin... Contributors0 Comments365 views37 min read Dialogue is a Failed Pastoral Strategy ...
Jesus looked upon you Gave his son John to you You shall be his mother You shall be your son In that special moment Of our Lord's atonement You became the mother of everyone By ©2006 SOCAN (written for the "Festival of Marian Song" Guatemala)Legacy...
Into the risen Son I am being released Your cross is healing me Across all time Across all space By ©2008 SOCAN Cult CULT-ure Preamble: We live in a culture where you can't say the Lord's Prayer in public schools because people find it offensive. We live in a ...
Teacher: Remember, Jesus walks with us always. Here is his message for us today You shall love the Lord your God with all your hear, and with all your. The Parts of the Mass Preparation for the Liturgy Dip our fingers in a font containing Holy Water which is to first remind us ...
First, he talks about the fullness of participation. “The sharing of all the baptized in the one priesthood of Jesus Christ is the key to understanding the Church’s call for full, conscious and active participation. Full participation certainly means that every member of the community has a ...
50. Whatever the image employed, it is clear that the living heart of Christ – not its representation – is the object of our worship, for it is part of his holy risen body, which is inseparable from the Son of God who assumed that body forever. ...
We could also reverse this and say: ignorance of Christ is ignorance of Scripture. Yet in these stories from Luke, and the apostolic witness, it’s worth remembering the threefold nature of Christ’s body: (1) the historical body born of the Virgin Mary, dead, risen, and ascended into ...
“Arise [Jerusalem], shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you” (Is 1:1). Today, the Solemnity of Epiphany, this is how the prophet’s words resound. The ancient, evocative oracle of Isaiah in a way foretells the light that shone on the stable...
His final coming is like his first. As holy men and prophets waited for him, thinking that he would reveal himself in their own day, so today each of the faithful longs to welcome him in his own day, because Christ has not made plain the day of his coming. He has not made it ...