That is the smile of hope. The smile of grace. The smile of strength. The smile you get only when you learn to walk with your head held high. At some point or another, it can feel nearly impossible to break into that kind of easy grin, to feel that radiant joy. We’ve been hit...
Rachel:I so remember when Sarah releasedJesus Calling. I’ve worked with it for so many years and loved it, read it. I’ve got one on every bedside table in my guest room, which is hilarious. I think for me, God knows what we need right at the right moment. And ...
17 Why do you want to specify "YHWH God" as your God of Christians and Jews, instead of calling Him simply "God"? Today it's just not clear enough when a Christian speaks or writes the word "God" without specifying what kind of God it is to Whom you are referring. Too many ...
17 Why do you want to specify "YHWH God" as your God of Christians and Jews, instead of calling Him simply "God"? Today it's just not clear enough when a Christian speaks or writes the word "God" without specifying what kind of God it is to Whom you are referring. Too many ...
New version 36-p slideshow of tract S28T1 posted here Sept 25, 2018 as English model slideshow -- colorful ebook for online viewing! Click picture below to open the slideshow PDF ebook in a new window for online viewing...! New Hindi and Tamil language tract-booklets (ebooks) were posted...
A resource site for Jesus Christ tracts & Jesus Christ info, is a gospel tracts and Christian Bible study ministry in which Kenneth Street's Jesus Christ tracts ministry and others join together in the work of God's Earthward Outrea
by John McGlone, Sept 22, 2024 The picture above is a very limited view of what will be at the Great White Throne Judgment of Jesus. He will say, “Depart from me, ye cursed into everlasting judgment…”. Matt 25:41 Notice which way He is pointing to His left? If you don’t fea...
About False Teaching (a series) Getting Into The Miraculous - 2 Timothy 4:3 - - Getting down to God’s meaning - - They in fact have seen nothing - - Calling out false teaching - - Following the Jesus who was not God - Got a Cracked Heart? - Jesus, the second man, is the Lord...
The Labor Leader (Sept. 1919) called Ethel a “live wire” and “one of the strongest workers for the cause in the country.” As a gifted writer, Ethel personally replied to complaints to the San Diego Postal Office: “She probably met more people…than any other person in the city. ...
New version 36-p slideshow of tract S28T1 posted here Sept 25, 2018 as English model slideshow -- colorful ebook for online viewing! Click picture below to open the slideshow PDF ebook in a new window for online viewing...! New Hindi and Tamil language tract-booklets (ebooks) were posted...