‘They betrayed vulnerable women, themselves, their calling and the caring message of Jesus Christ’ – Archbishop By Patsy McGarry and Jack PowerTue Jan 12 2021 - 21:56 Ross O’Carroll-Kelly: ‘The pressure of being the cool parent ends up being too much’ “Ross, I’m in a terrible...
The first return of Jewish people to Israel was after they were exiled to Babylon in 587BC for seventy years. God the Trinity is still passionate about calling home Jewish people. The suffering servant here in Isaiah 49 refers to both Israel and the messiah Jesus, who embodies Israel. It i...
17 Why do you want to specify "YHWH God" as your God of Christians and Jews, instead of calling Him simply "God"? Today it's just not clear enough when a Christian speaks or writes the word "God" without specifying what kind of God it is to Whom you are referring. Too many ...
17 Why do you want to specify "YHWH God" as your God of Christians and Jews, instead of calling Him simply "God"? Today it's just not clear enough when a Christian speaks or writes the word "God" without specifying what kind of God it is to Whom you are referring. Too many ...
About False Teaching (a series) Getting Into The Miraculous - 2 Timothy 4:3 - - Getting down to God’s meaning - - They in fact have seen nothing - - Calling out false teaching - - Following the Jesus who was not God - Got a Cracked Heart? - Jesus, the second man, is the Lord...
New version 36-p slideshow of tract S28T1 posted here Sept 25, 2018 as English model slideshow -- colorful ebook for online viewing! Click picture below to open the slideshow PDF ebook in a new window for online viewing...! New Hindi and Tamil language tract-booklets (ebooks) were posted...
by John McGlone, Sept 22, 2024 The picture above is a very limited view of what will be at the Great White Throne Judgment of Jesus. He will say, “Depart from me, ye cursed into everlasting judgment…”. Matt 25:41 Notice which way He is pointing to His left? If you don’t fea...
19 Maître, voici ce que Moïse nous a prescrit: Si le frère de quelqu'un meurt, et laisse une femme, sans avoir d'enfants, son frère épousera sa veuve, et suscitera une postérité à son frère. 20 Or, il y avait sept frères. Le premier se maria, et mourut sans laisser...
Leo IX, Sept. 2, 1053 “The order of the Illuminati was founded in the 1770's. Their “pope,” Weisshaupt, used the Jesuits as a model for his organization.” - Mozart & Freemasonry, page 9 “Weisshaupt himself had been brought up by the Jesuits in Ingolstadt. The internal ...
Though some of their leaders, like Menahem Benhayim, now function openly..."73 *** 71Pnina Peli, "Doubting the Blessings of Christian Zionism," Jerusalem Post, Sept. 20, 1985, © used by permission. 72Ibid. 73Ibid. 120 THE END OF HISTORY—MESSIAH CONSPIRACY PELI SHAMES CHRISTIANS FOR...