If you have a component that makes HTTP requests, you’ll probably want to mock those out for UI unit and integration tests. Let’s see how to use jest’s built-in mocking capabilities to do that. Component: import Reactfrom'react'import { loadGreeting }from'./api'function GreetingLoader...
2 JS/JestJS: How to test for a async mocked function? 3 How do I mock async fetches with jest? 0 How to mock jest promise 3 Mocking the callback response function of Node Http Request using jest 0 How to mock async method with jest in nodejs 2 Mocking Http Post Request using ...
If you have a component that makes HTTP requests, you’ll probably want to mock those out for UI unit and integration tests. Let’s see how to use jest’s built-in mocking capabilities to do that. Component: import Reactfrom'react'import { loadGreeting }from'./api'function GreetingLoader...
test('测试异步XMLHttpRequest回调', () => { function callback(data) { // 处理回调结果 } const xhrMock = { open: jest.fn(), send: jest.fn(), readyState: 4, status: 200, response: '{"key": "value"}' }; // 设置模拟的XMLHttpRequest对象的回调函数 jest.spyOn(window, 'XMLHttpReq...
Jest 全局 Mock setupFilesAfterEnv VS setupFiles Mock 网页地址 扩展测试环境 Mock Location Mock Timer 快进时间 模拟时钟的机制 Event Loop Message Queue Job Queue 小结: Mock Logger 第一种方法 第二种方法 Jest 全局 Mock 以实现 Mock 浏览器的 localStorage 为例, 首先添加tests/jest-setup.ts文件: /...
request.js可以看成是一个用于请求数据的模块,手动mock这个模块,使它返回一个Promise对象,用于对异步的处理。 测试Promise // 使用'.resolves'来测试promise成功时返回的值 it('works with resolves', () => { // expect.assertions(1); expect(user.getUserName(5)).resolves.toEqual('haha') ...
npm run test:demo4-5: 启动一个node服务器,通过axios的proxy将网络请求进行代理,转发到启动的node服务器,通过设置好对应的单元测试请求与响应的数据,利用对应关系实现测试,也就是jest-axios-mock-server完成的工作。 在这里我们封装了一层axios,比较接近真实场景,可以查看test/demo/wrap-request.ts文件,实际上只是...
import"jest-fetch-mock"; 添加了上面的语句后,整个测试用例就能够跑通了。 总结 当我们所书写的代码是要在浏览器环境下面运行时,代码里面可能会涉及到很多浏览器相关的Api,此时需要安装jest-environment-jsdom,该库在Node.js中通过提供与浏览器相同的DOM和API接口来模拟浏览器环境。
constmockGetName = jest.fn().mockImplementation((id):string=>{returnpeople[id].name; });constmockGetAge = jest.fn().mockImplementation((id):number=>{returnpeople[id].age; }); Copy expect(mockGetName).toBeCalledTimes(1);expect(mockGetAge).toBeCalledTimes(1); ...
http.get({path: url}, response => { let data = ''; response.on('data', _data => (data += _data)); response.on('end', () => resolve(data)); }); }); } Since we don't want to go to the network in our test, we will create a manual mock for our request.js module ...