在我的jest.conf.js我有clearMocks: true 每个测试套件都在一个单独的文件中,我在这样的测试之前模拟函数: importsimulateQueryfrom'../../../helpers/simulate-query';importcallMethodfrom'../../../../imports/api/users/functions/auth/helpers/call-accounts-method';importLOGIN_WITH_PASSWORD_MUTATIONfrom'...
这非常有用,可以在声明 mock 函数时直接指定返回值,也可以使用API(如.mockReturnValueOnce(value))动态指定返回值。 下面我们借用官网的例子,介绍一下模拟函数的注意点: importSoundPlayerfrom'./sound-player';constmockPlaySoundFile=jest.fn();jest.mock('./sound-player',()=>{returnjest.fn().mockImplementat...
Hi there, I am trying to create a web application with React and I am currently using jest to test my React app. However, there is a feature where I am using the MediaRecorder Api to record a media stream in the web application, so when I write a simple test to check if that ...
// > 'first call', 'second call', 'default', 'default' For cases where you have methods that are typically chained (and thus always need to return this), you have a sugary API to simplify this in the form of a .mockReturnThis() function that also sits on all mocks: const myObj ...
I'm trying to test a method to ensure all API calls are correctly done. However only the first one seem to be log and available in fetch.mock.calls and toHaveBeenCalledTimes: Expected mock function to have been called three times, but it...
Then in step 2, inside the second argument callback, we use jest.requireActual("@module/api") to capture the original code and imports from the module and store it in a variable. Then, we create the object that should replace the module’s imports by doing two things: put all the ori...
console.log(myMockFn(), myMockFn(), myMockFn(), myMockFn());//> 'first call', 'second call', 'default', 'default' 对于有通常链接的方法(因此总是需要返回this)的情况,我们有一个语法糖的API以.mockReturnThis()函数的形式来简化它,它也位于所有模拟器上: ...
基于Jest Mock API对业务逻辑集成测试附源码 你bf有时候我们需要不发送请求就能完成前端的业务逻辑测试,而许多的业务逻辑都会需要调用到后端的API接口。那如何能mock我们所需要的data就是一个问题。当我们能有一个良好的测试环境之后,只要保证后端的接口没有问题,那我们就可以保证业务逻辑也没有问题。
jest vue mock 三方组件 vue中mock使用,Vue封装mock使用总结方式一:Promise接口封装(不推荐)大纲1.api目录2.mock目录3.main.js引入4.页面使用接口效果方式二:axios的mock数据(虽然比较灵活,但还是不推荐)1.安装2.main.js文件中引入3.新建mock文件夹,添加index、和
jest-mock Note:More details on user side API can be found inJest documentation. API import{ModuleMocker}from'jest-mock'; constructor(global) Creates a new module mocker that generates mocks as if they were created in an environment with the given global object....